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5 Common Mistakes MINI ATV Bike Beginners Make

Most people are under the impression that taking their first ride on an ATV is going to be as simple as any other vehicle. You just learn the basics of operating your vehicle, practice for a few days and boom – you’re ready to get on the road. Things are similar in a lot of ways when we speak of ATVs or more specifically a MINI ATV. The only difference being the fact that an ATV coming with its quad wheels requires more alertness, precision, skills and knowledge for anyone to become a professional rider. 

In case you’re someone looking to buy or rent a MINI atv bikes for sale or wish to learn how to ride one, you might want to know and avoid the common mistakes that beginners mostly make. This article will explain in detail the 5 common mistakes that you need to stay away from as an ATV rider. Keep reading to find out more!

What is an MINI ATV Bike? What are its perks? 

As per the American National Standards Institute, these are known as quad bikes. The term ATV expands to All Terrain Vehicle which to an extent explains the fact that these vehicles can operate on a variety of terrain conditions. Their top features include the design which provides a comfortable grip to the driver and the four wheels that come with a lot of balance and control. In terms of functional abilities, these ATVs operate with low-pressure tires and provide more stability when ridden at a lower speed. It is far more beneficial when compared to two-wheeler dirt bikes in terms of compatibility and convenience for new riders. 

So, now that you know the perks of having an ATV, let’s dive deeper to know to do’s and not do’s when onboard your MINI ATV.

What are the 5 common mistakes MINI ATV Bike beginners make? 

Every new bike riding experience needs some tricks to be taken note of. Same with ATVs, more so because a lot of safety is linked to the mistakes that one might make while riding these bikes.

Here are the 5 common mistakes that as a beginner anyone is likely to make:

Possibility of rolling over

With a MINI ATV Bike this possibility always exists. Especially when you are an amateur and not particularly aware of the power of an ATV, rolling over is one difficulty. This may also happen when someone is trying to experiment with stunts on mud and the vehicle gets gripped with the driver rolling over.

Proper equipment while riding


This is a very important aspect that beginners must take care of. An ATV is powered by a gas engine and the seat really does not have belts to protect you. So the takeaway here is to wear protective gear like helmets, goggles, gloves, and riding boots that can protect you even in the case of a rollover.

Nerf bars and their utility

Foot stability is another thing that you need to take care of. That’s the reason why nerf bars will be a good grab for your ATV. Instead of traditional bars that will mostly cause feet to be trapped in the quad tires, nerf bars will serve the protection purpose right.

Throttle handling and control

The speed and power control of a MINI ATV is another dominant factor. Most beginners assume that a quad vehicle is a walk in the park and start jumping to maximum speed. In most cases, it ends up in unpleasant situations. So, handling the throttle requires a proper amount of thumb control.

 Loading it up the MINI ATV Bike proper way

Whenever there’s a need to load the ATV, you should never just ride it up a ramp. There are several reasons as to why you should avoid this and do it the right way. The advantage will be a lot more ways of efficient riding.



To find out the perfect MINI ATV Bike for all your needs at the best specifications and price, visit Venom MotorSports. It is the best manufacturer to fulfill all your needs for two-wheelers, gear, and other automobile parts. With high-quality vehicles, superior services and secure shipment, VenomMotorSports is a go-to for every adventure enthusiast, yearning for a great experience riding bikes and ATVs.

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