6 Post-Op Care Tips for Breast Lift Surgery
Breast augmentation or reduction surgeries are common nowadays in women who dream of transforming their bodies. It is estimated 20,000 women undergo breast device surgery in Australia annually. Breast lift is one most commonly used procedures opted by women to counter the issue of sagging breasts.
There has been a spike in services and organizations providing breast lifts in Sydney. With expert surgeons and healthcare professionals, patients require a comprehensive set of post-op care tips for women undergoing surgery for breast lifts in Sydney and other locations across the country. Consider the following steps while deciding to go for this surgery.
6 Vital Steps to Think about Before Opting for Breast Lift
Make Post-Op Care Arrangements in Advance
On the day of your breast lift operation, you must arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home safely. For the initial few days post-surgery, you will also require assistance with domestic duties or child care. Prepare your recuperation room ahead of time by creating a comfortable sleeping area, a convenient workstation, and ensuring that everything is within easy reach.
Only Take the Prescribed Medication
Oral pain medication is only needed for a couple of days. In some situations, you may be administered antibiotics. Avoid any oral or topical treatment that is unsanctioned by your physician, including over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements.
Workout Abstinence for at least 3 to 6 Weeks
Stroll around within your home with a companion when you feel comfortable enough to do so following surgery. Light walking can help prevent blood clotting and reduce swelling.
When you start exercising again, wear a sports bra with a lot of support. Avoid high-intensity exercise as they cause edema or puts strain on your breasts. Consult your plastic surgeon to devise a strategy that allows you to return to your normal activities while maintaining your breast lift recovery.
Maintain a Nutritious Diet
Stick to a balanced diet before and after surgery. Eat low-sodium foods to avoid aggravating the swelling. Drink adequate water and consume foods rich in fibre content. Include foods high in vitamin K, such as lettuce, eggs, and yoghurt. Prepare meals ahead of time for a couple of weeks, so you don’t have to worry about cooking following surgery. Wound healing is aided by good nutrition. Wound deterioration is aided by poor diet.
For three weeks, avoid alcoholic beverages because they dehydrate you and create fluid retention.
Tips for Showering and Bathing
Shower the day before your procedure to thoroughly clean up the surgery site. This may aid in the prevention of infections. You will not be able to shower for the initial few days. As a result, you’ll require a sponge bath. Avoid full-blown baths for at least a month to avoid infection.
Tend to your Scars
After the first incision has healed, keep an eye on the progress of your scars. After the wound has healed, use a bandage or mild cream to expedite scar healing. Keep the incision sites hygienic and covered to avoid infection.
After your wound has healed, request your surgeon demonstrate scar massage techniques to assist you in minimizing the scar. Scars might take a few years to fade away for some people, so it is nothing to fret over.
In Conclusion
Breast lift surgery might be your go-to solution to feeling more confident and rejuvenated. But do not neglect the crucial post-operative care routine that would ensure a quick and effective recovery for you!