Car accident – Can Your Family or Friends Be a Witness?
It is crucial to prove the driver responsible for a car wreck was negligent while driving to file a compensation claim. Insurance companies might try to deny or minimize your claims to reduce their liabilities and blame you for the accident.
A Boise Idaho auto accident lawyer researches your case in-depth and analyses the situation. They are intellectuals and have a logical approach to legal procedures. They collect evidence from several sources such as surveillance cameras, eyewitnesses, police, and medical reports.
How Do Witnesses Benefit Your Case?
- Witnesses are individuals that have information regarding an incident they were not necessarily involved in but had watched it happen. Their statements describing what they say witnessed can be utilized in the court of law as evidence.
- If family members or friends were witnesses to your accident or its impact on you, they could testify in court. Although they might be slightly biased to you, if their credibility as a witness checks out, their statement can assist you in proving your innocence and claiming compensation.
- Your lawyer helps prepare your witness to answer questions the opposition might ask so that they can present the truth and their findings without any fear or intimidation.
What Types Of Statements Assist Your Case?
- If your family member or friend were a passenger in your car: If your friend or a family member were also involved in the accident while it happened, they clearly understand how the incident occurred. They might document pictures and videos from the accident site themselves and strengthen your statement, supporting your claim.
- If they witnessed the accident happen in front of them: If your family or friends watched the accident happen, they could identify who was responsible for the collision. Giving a detailed report about the time, place, and sequence of events help confirm the experience through your perspective as well.
- If they witnessed your injuries: A car accident and its impact can be brutal. Extensive medical treatments and possible disabilities affect the quality of your life. The ones close to you can notice the differences in your physical abilities and your struggle to cope with these changes, including how they affect your ability to work. They can describe the stress, mental anguish, and depressive withdrawal you might have gone through to prove your non-economic losses.
Although their testimonies help support your claim, it is always advisable to have neutral witnesses such as bystanders in the area who can provide a reliable statement. The law does not question their credibility since they have no underlying motives to fabricate evidence to support you. Your lawyer is aware of the proof requirements of it to be admissible in court and prepares accordingly.