Several changes have taken place in the digital behavior of your targets, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali cause both by the health crisis and by the development of new technologies! Discover the changes to make in your digital strategy to remain competitive in 2022!
An essential digital presence!
Internet use in France: an increase 10 times greater than the previous year
The number of internet users increase significantly in 2021 : +1.4 million users. This figure is explain by the coronavirus crisis and the confinements which have force the use of digital tools to communicate with our love ones and to telecommute.
Always more time spent online!
The French spend an average of 5h37 on the web per day, that ‘s 30 minutes more than in 2019.
Focus strategy •
Your presence on the web is essential in 2022, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali it is more than necessary to have a website and to have a strong digital presence to meet your target on as many digital channels as possible.
A mandatory responsive website
The growing role of the smartphone (95.7%)
We feel like we are breaking open doors by saying that, but the figures for internet use via mobile are only increasing!
Today 95.7% of French people age 16 to 64 own a smartphone , a figure that has increase by almost 5% compare to the previous year.
Ever more mobile Internet use (86.1%)
86.1% of internet users in France do so via a mobile, 4% more than the previous year.
Focus strategy •
A responsive website above all ! Given the time French people spend on their phones, it is more than essential that your website be adapt to mobile browsing!
Study the opportunity of connect objects!
Homes increasingly equipp with home automation tools (10%)
Today 10% of French people are equipp with automation devices with Google home type assistants and connect equipment. This is 2% more than the previous year and it is a figure that shows a constant evolution in recent years.
Connect watches more and more adopt! (16.5%)
16.5% of French people own a connect watch, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali a figure that has double in two years and is showing a constant increase.
Focus strategy •
The French are equipping themselves with more and more connect objects , they represent a real opportunity for your business . These objects are new means of communication for your brand! They are becoming more and more democratize and are an opportunity to reach your audience on new media. Adapt your messages and advertising formats to these new devices !
Focus on your social networks!
Social networks even more use!
In 2021 in France, social networks experience a 12.8% increase in users , a figure directly link to the coronavirus crisis which has made social networks a means of maintaining a social link for many French people.
Small top of social networks in France:
- Youtube
- Facebook Messenger
- Snapchat
- Tik tok
- Skype
- Twitch
- Red dit
- Badoo
- tumbler
Discover the details of the audiences in our article “Social networks: All you need to know about your audiences in 2022!”
Social networks increasingly root in research habits (28%)
28% of French people use social networks as their main source of research on a brand.
This figure shows the importance of your company’s presence on social networks and especially the need to implement a real social media content strategy.
Focus strategy •
Social networks must play a central role in your digital strategy in 2022! They are the primary source of information for 28% of your targets ! Work on the SEO of your publications and deploy a real content strategy!
Don’t miss out on voice searches!
Voice search up 26.2%
The increase in the share of voice search has been confirm for several years, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali today 26.2% of French people use this mode of search.
Focus strategy •
Voice search implies an evolution of your SEO strategy , vocal searches involve a more “natural” language. It’s time to review your SEO to adapt your tags to voice search.
Leverage search by image
New search habits not image (8.8%)
8.8% of French people use search by image on their phone, in particular via tools like Google Lens. A figure that tends to increase in the coming years!
Focus strategy •
This given all its importance to your visuals, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali it will be more than necessary to have product visuals taken from all angles to optimize your chances of appearing in the search results by image.
Bet on the winning trio!
SEO, UX and Social Networks
The first source of research on brands remains the search networks 62.2% which gives all its importance to the referencing of your website.
The second source of research is your website (33.7%), the user experience offer to your target will be decisive.
Customer reviews account for 32.9% of information sources, follow by social networks at 28%.
Focus strategy •
SEO, the key to visibility on the search networks. SEO work is therefore just as important in 2022 as is the implementation of paid referencing campaigns.
Your website : a privilege source of information on your brand! Don’t overlook the importance of user experience! The UX of your site will be very important in the perception of your brand so do not hesitate to redesign if necessary!
Finally, as mention above, social networks must be central to your strategy!
Be transparent about the data collect and pay attention to your target advertising!
Users increasingly worrie about the use of their data
44.5% of French people show concern about the use of their data by brands.
These concerns lead 47.6% of French people to delete cookies from their browser regularly and 36.8% of them to use an ad blocker.
Write a list of basic keywords
This list corresponds to the keywords that come to you instinctively in relation to your products or services. To compile this list, do not hesitate to consult your internal teams, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali who can help you find relevant keywords.
Use keyword suggestion tools
Once this first list has been establish, you will need to complete it using keyword suggestion tools.
You can use Google’s Keyword Planner, which is free to anyone with a Google Ads account.
This tool automatically generates a list of keywords similar to the keywords provide . You can thus support your list with keywords that you had not spontaneously thought of.
Analyze this list and select the right keywords
Search volumes and competition
Once your list is establish, you will need to study the search volumes relate to these keywords. The objective is to target the keywords that will allow you to obtain the highest volumes of traffic.
Only here, who says “big search volume” often says “big competition” . A keyword that displays a high level of competition will require a lot of work, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali time and content to be able to position your website properly.
Selection of keywords
The search volume of a keyword is an important condition in your choice but should not be the only selection criterion. Indeed, it is not because a keyword has a large search volume that it is necessarily the most relevant keyword to target.
The keywords must above all define queries that are as close as possible to your services.
The key is to find the right compromise between specificity and traffic.
Keeping in mind that a good positioning on several specific keywords with low search volume will always be better than an average positioning on a more generic keyword that is highly sought after.
The ideal being, of course, to be well positioned on highly sought after keywords . Be careful though, because natural referencing is a long-term job, do not neglect the investment necessary to obtain a good positioning.
Focus strategy •
Beyond being a legal obligation related to the GDPR, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali your company must be transparent about the use of its users ‘ personal data to respond to their concerns.
The significant use of ad blockers questions the value of display ads and user mistrust implies the use of targeted ads in a less intrusive way.
It’s time to adapt your digital strategy to meet the new habits of your targets !