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Essential Porcelain Veneers Aftercare Tips

Having a bright smile is certainly everyone’s goal. Its importance has led to going through several dental procedures to make it look and feel perfect; hence, the rising popularity of the application of porcelain veneers. This procedure, as a means of covering up such dental flaws like cracks, chips, and discolorations, as well as hiding even the littlest of the gaps that are present in one’s teeth, has been deemed to be an effective solution that can be maintained for a long period of time. It can be the ideal treatment for everyone experiencing dental issues, as it can whiten, straighten, and can reshape your teeth to be able to fit your aesthetic goals. 

Porcelain veneers are thin layers of material made from porcelain that are placed over the front part of the teeth. They are cap-like shells that are customized to look like your own set of natural teeth, and are designed depending on their size and shape. With this, they can be able to hide the dental flaws and issues you have. These types of dental solutions can adhere to the front of your teeth while resolving aesthetic concerns related to their smile.

Porcelain Veneers as a Way to a Beautiful Smile

Understanding how it is made and placed over your teeth makes it a quick and a more convenient way to a beautiful smile. However, they are a permanent treatment, so it is important to take some factors into consideration before having to actually go through them. This includes practicing proper maintenance for the porcelain veneers to last longer. A few of the steps to maintain the veneers would be keeping good oral hygiene all the time, preventing stains from being in contact with your teeth, avoiding damaging habits, and going through dental checkups regularly. By following these maintenance and aftercare tips, you will certainly enjoy a bright and beautiful smile for at least 10 years or more.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

An important aftercare tip for your porcelain veneers would be to maintain good oral hygiene. Since your teeth and gums serve as the foundation of these fixtures, practicing proper oral hygiene will keep your mouth stronger and healthier, while your porcelain veneers look best. This can be done by brushing your teeth regularly, at least twice a day.

It is a known fact that even though veneers are installed to your teeth, they can still collect plaque that can damage the enamel of your natural teeth. These can cause an even serious issue like tooth decay. Which is why it is essential to practice these routines, ensuring that the plaque is cleared regularly, preventing your teeth from these problems that might even get more serious in the long run.

Actually, just practice the same oral routine as you normally would as a means of keeping good oral hygiene. Remember that porcelain veneers are only attached to the actual teeth. Thus, they are prone to decay if not brushed properly and regularly. There might be some exposed portions of the tooth behind the veneer and that is where decay can start to take root. If not brushed properly, you could impair the surface polish of the veneer. A soft bristle toothbrush is recommended for a more effective maintenance process. Also, flossing can be an excellent addition to the steps, and using fluoride mouthwash for extra cavity protection. It is advised to avoid using whitening toothpastes as it contains abrasive ingredients that might damage the veneers. All these will not only extend the life of your porcelain veneers, but can also keep your mouth healthier overall.

Prevent Stains

Porcelain veneers are known to be stain-resistant. However, by having to consume food and beverages containing properties that are color-saturated will more likely result in discoloration. The adhesive that is used to keep your veneers attached is not resistant to stans. Thus, could cause your natural teeth to be discolored. The edges of your porcelain veneers can become darkened or yellowed as well.

Try to avoid eating and drinking such foods and beverages like beets, berries, colas, red wine, coffee, and tea. Or if you must enjoy consuming some of them, you can use a straw to sip them past your veneers. It can decrease their chances of staining both your teeth and veneers. Furthermore, avoid smoking cigarettes or cigars as well, and from chewing tobacco. These have strong power to cause quick discoloration of the porcelain veneers.

If you happen to consume any of the teeth-staining food and beverages, you have to rinse them shortly after. Or brushing them is recommended as well. Given that it can help remove food particles and staining agents from your teeth.

Avoid Damaging Habits

Your porcelain veneers are designed and built to be resilient. They are constructed to endure the everyday wear and tear that your teeth experience. However, they have high chances of being chipped. Particularly if you chew on ice, hard candy, or other items that require a great amount of bite force. They can be at risk, especially if they are exposed to abnormal amounts of pressure. This makes it the reason why it is important to take into consideration all of the food, or even certain items you bite on. Also, if possible, cut down some of the foods into easier bite-sized portions like apples, peaches, and similar food items that you think could cause resistance.

Moreover, let your dentist know if you have such habits of grinding or clenching your teeth. This might impose great risk and damage to your veneers, even without you noticing. With this, they may have to recommend you wear a mouthguard overnight. It can be a measure to protect your teeth and veneers from this behavior, particularly when you are sleeping.

Regular Dental Checkups

Lastly, it is important to have both your teeth and porcelain veneers checked by your dentist at least every 6 months. They will evaluate and monitor how your teeth have been effectively adjusting to the veneers. Also, if there are any potential problems with your veneers, they can be found and treated early on. This is good before actually worsening and turning into much bigger dental problems. While at a dental checkup, you might want to have your teeth professionally cleaned as well. This will keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking at their best.

Key Takeaway

Investing in porcelain veneers is not just having them successfully installed at the front of your teeth. It also means that you have to practice certain measures to keep it in its optimal form. This includes maintaining good oral hygiene, practicing measures to prevent stains, avoiding damaging habits that can put so much pressure on your veneers, and visiting your dentist for checkups. When these are done properly, it will guarantee you a brighter and a more beautiful smile, lasting for as long as possible.

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