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Author PR

Author PR

In today’s day and age, no industry can survive without the aid and assistance of the media. We no longer live isolated lives full of ignorance. If we talk about today’s situation from an economic and business standpoint, the media has a significant role to play. Several industries have had to undergo substantial transformation in order to keep up with the pace and dynamism that media and technology have brought in. One such industry is that of books and literature. Historically, this industry has always been driven by content.

However earlier, even good content was not able to achieve the desired reach. This was because information could not travel easily and people were not able to get hold of good content. However, as time progressed, the advent of media and the internet changed this industry radically. Both books and authors started gaining immense publicity. Here’s how. 

Media and PR Services

Several book publishing companies have realized that media and PR is the way forward. It is extremely essential to publish and spread information in order to achieve the desired results. Book publishing has entirely changed in its operations and working. Several self publishing agencies have even come up that help the young and budding authors to get their work published.

These services have helped young authors to establish themselves in a highly competitive space. It is predominantly books that have been promoted in terms of their content, genre, etc. However, agencies have now started feeling the need to publicize the authors as well. Author PR is the new trend that is gaining pace as agencies feel it helps in building long term relationships. Building a positive image of the author, spreading good word about their work are some prominent practices in author publicity. These services go a long way in generating long term benefits for the authors as well as the agencies. 

Leading Author Publicity Services

As we speak of today, author publicity is a trend that is being adopted by many. Some leading publishing houses have already taken up this practice and have been able to achieve successful results. The likes of MindStir Media have started a distinct field for author publicity. MindStir Media is a leading self-publishing house based in Los Angeles. It provides the best of services to budding authors and provides them exposure to the best in their field. 

Under its author publicity services, they write articles about the authors. These articles are written by media and PR experts who know exactly the things that should be written. These articles are then sent to the concerned authors for their perusal. Following their recommendations and approvals, these articles are published on some of the most popular and reputed online sources. These include the likes of Forbes, Entrepreneur, Times, ET, etc. All these platforms come up with their perks and the platform has prepared subscription plans accordingly. 

Taking up these services provides the perfect kickstart to a young author’s career and helps him in becoming successful.


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