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Have you or anyone you know had a bone marrow transplant?

Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone Marrow Transplant

A bone marrow transplant is a medical treatment that involves the replacement of bone marrow with healthy cells. The replacement is done either with the cells of one’s own body or from a donor’s body. Bone marrow transplant is also called stem cell transplant or hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Bone marrow transplant becomes necessary for cancer patients. Be Well Hospital specializes in oncology, gynecology, infertility, orthopedics, cardiology, and more. It possesses a group of hospitals. It believes in getting high ended results to provide quality care to all. The hospital specializes in all cases of transplantation. It helps people to get rid of their complex diseases.

Bone marrow transplant involves the transplantation of the cells found in the bone marrow. It is given to the other person after filtering the cells. The goal is to transfuse the healthy cells of bone marrow to kill abnormal cells and remove the unhealthy ones. Bone marrow transplant is done successfully in India. It is used to treat diseases like aplastic anemia, immune deficiency, leukemias, lymphomas, and other kinds of solid tumor cancers.

Why Is a Bone Marrow Transplant Done?

Bone marrow transplantation is done for hematopoietic stem cells. Once transferred to the donor’s body, they grow to become:

A bone marrow transplant may:

Types of Bone Marrow Transplants

There are two main types of bone marrow transplants:

The importance of matching patients and donors

How to know whether the transplant became a success or not?

There are two ways to know whether the transplant worked or not

The measure of blood count along with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc should increase. On the very first day of the transplant, the transplant may seem to be very low. This will further affect the immune system and will put the body at risk of getting attacked by viruses. There may occur chances of bleeding, infection, tiredness, and other extreme health issues. Your doctor may require you to give you blood and platelets transfusion. You will be provided with antibiotics to prevent infections. The time when your new stem cells will start multiplying, they will start making new blood cells. This will increase your blood cell count. This is one of the ways to get success with transplantation.

Curing cancer is one of the major goals of a bone marrow transplant. A cure is possible for certain cases of cancer like leukemia and lymphoma. Bone marrow thus helps to remove the cancer cells and induce the new cells that match perfectly with the recipient.


If any serious condition persists, consult your doctor. Understand the regular signs of transplant. Keep a watch on the signs and symptoms of cancer or bone marrow transplantation. Make a thorough list of the complications that can take place due to bone marrow transplantation. Try to keep a track of your health and consult your doctor for every step. These steps become important when you are recovering from any extreme or complex disease.

Be Well Hospital is one of the promising hospitals that has been established for years. It strives to provide quality services to all its patients. It possesses classic and prestigious facilities so that all patients get equal services at the time of emergency. The hospital meets the quality standards and has built a trained and knowledgeable staff for itself. The Be Well Hospital understands the concept of the right medication at the right time so that all the barriers can be removed at the time of actual treatment.

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