Here Are The 6 Signs Of A Good Yoga School
Learning yoga offers you the skills and techniques to live a life with less worries and more happiness. The highly experienced yoga teachers provide you not just with physical but also the mental and spiritual knowledge of yoga. Therefore, it is one reason why millions of yoga enthusiasts look for the best yoga schools in India to kickstart their spiritual journey.
Yoga schools provide you the right environment to learn yoga in theory and practice. You learn about yoga philosophy, origins, history, numerous yoga techniques, and teaching methods. However, every great yoga school does have some characteristics that set it apart from others. Yoga experts have come up with some signs to help you identify the right yoga school.
6 Signs Of A Great Yoga School
Yoga experts know how enrolling in the wrong place could seriously impact your mental, physical, and spiritual health, not to forget the financial losses you would incur.
With that said, given below are six signs the yoga school must have.
Certification & Credibility
The first thing you need to check out for is the certification of the lead teacher at the yoga school. A responsible yoga teacher would be completely transparent about their level of yoga experience and yoga training background.
For this, yoga experts recommend you check out the yoga school website and read about their teachers. Gather info from where the teachers have had their certification and under whom they earned the certification. In short, this gives you an idea if the yoga school staff can be trusted to teach authentic yoga or you should look elsewhere.
Atmosphere & Equipment
Before you decide to go on yoga holidays, visit the yoga school. Normally, the lead teacher would meet and introduce themselves to you and give you a tour of the place. Pay attention to the overall atmosphere of the place including cleanliness and how they maintain the yoga props.
You should ask whether the yoga school offers lockers or other storage space to keep your belongings. Would you need shower facilities to get fresh after the class? Consider what extra amenities you would need and if the studio is able to procure them for you.
The Teaching Style
Remember, when you practice, that is not the time for the teacher to practice. Make sure the yoga school you shortlist has teachers paying attention to the students during the session. The focus of the instructor has to be keeping an eye on the students and offering assistance whenever possible.
In other words, the yoga teacher in a class is there to help you follow the right symmetry and body alignment instead of sitting in meditation and doing self-practice.
Schedule & Offering
A great yoga school follows proper class schedule and is free of unannounced changes or a substitute teacher. In other words, the best yoga schools in India are known for their consistency, both in terms of the teachers and class timings.
It is a great way for you to make sure your needs and expectations meet with that of the yoga teacher and school. This includes ensuring the school has the right yoga teacher, teaches the yoga style you like, and has an impressive history of accomplishments in terms of yoga training.
Inside The Classroom
You should always ask for a trial class with the lead yoga teacher. Make sure you take note of if there are yoga techniques that should be done, but the teacher asks you to do that before the class. For example, the exercise of Pranayama is something all good yoga teachers ask you to do after the session ends.
Also, pay attention to how the teacher interacts with the students? Does he/she asks about any injuries or muscle pain after the session? A good and qualified yoga teacher at the best yoga schools in India would definitely do this to ensure every yoga practitioner is free of pain.
The Students
Make sure you find information about how many students have previously graduated from the yoga school. Take note of how many students enroll in any given class. Make sure the number of students in the class is small. It ensures every student in the yoga class receives equal attention when it comes to learning yoga.
Want to dive deeper into the spiritual art of yoga? Enroll in the best yoga schools in India and learn this ancient art from the best.
Also Read: Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training