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How to create a perfect Facebook Cover

It is the first element that users see when they arrive on your Facebook page. It’s a bit like your business card during your first meeting with a potential client: it must strike. Also, it must be original, it must be done in a workmanlike manner, it must hit the target. We are obviously talking about your Facebook cover or the showcase that represents you or your company on the largest and most important of social networks. Surely you have already created at least one, with more or less commitment. But was that image really designed, created, and modified to be 100% effective?


In fact, you must know that, beyond the rules explicitly indicated by Facebook for cover images, there are many unwritten rules to make a Facebook cover more effective. So let’s talk not only about the size but also about the contents, the position of the text within the image, the programs used, and so on. And the most important thing did you Buy Facebook Likes for your Facebook photos and Page. This is also so Important! Are you ready to understand how to create a perfect Facebook cover? Let’s start with the size right away!


The size of the Facebook cover image

Let’s start with what is, without a doubt, the most difficult step to digest and manage: the size of the Facebook cover image. Understanding the perfect size of the cover image for this social network is not at all immediate, because the recommended sizes have changed over time, they change from desktop to mobile device and, moreover, they also change between personal page, official page, and group page. In any case, here we will try to simplify the matter, leaving aside the superfluous and focusing on the actual size that your Facebook cover should have.


It is Facebook itself, through its help center, to tell us that the cover image “is displayed with a width of 820 pixels and a height of 312 pixels on computers and with a width of 640 pixels and a height of 360 pixels on smartphones ”and that“ it must have at least a width of 400 pixels and a height of 150 pixels ”. On this same page, moreover, it is also explained to us that these images load faster in JPG format.

Facebook cover image size 2021


It, therefore, becomes important, to have a cover image on Facebook optimized for viewing on any screen, to keep in mind what are the dark parts. By creating an optimized image for the desktop, we should know that the side portions of the image will not be displayed on mobile devices; instead of creating a cover optimized for smartphones, we should take into consideration the fact that the bottom and the bottom will not be visible on the desktop. This means that no important data must be placed in those ‘hidden’ parts and that the image must be effective in both versions!


Programs to use to create your cover image on Facebook

The best solution to create your Facebook cover image is undoubtedly Photoshop. But this does not mean that you cannot achieve more than satisfactory results with many other free programs. Without paying or downloading anything, for example, you can rely on the always useful and easy Canva, which among other things gives you the opportunity to select a preset ‘Facebook Cover’ format to make sure you are not mistaken. Another very useful program, alternatively, is PicMonkey, a little less known than Canva but more complete.


And a video cover?

You will surely have noticed that some pages have abandoned static covers to present video covers instead. But how do you create a cover video for Facebook? Again, as you can imagine, specific requirements must be met. The video must be short, but not too short – between 20 and 90 seconds – and must have a minimum size of 820 pixels by 312 pixels. For best results, however, it is recommended not to go below 462 pixels in height. As a result, following the Facebook specifications, the standard 16: 9 aspect ratio will not be respected. The difference, it must be said, is really minimal, and for this, you can upload in standard video and let Facebook itself adapt it slightly (knowing, however, that parts will end up cropped) or, possibly, rely on a good video editing program. To crop the video in advance and accurately.

Some advice

To have an effective cover photo, you must follow the Facebook rules regarding dimensions. But that’s not all: a simple cover is more fruitful than an image that is too complex. The text must be clear and not too long to read, and it must be well centered, to avoid losing it between one device and another. And you should also visit for more information and social media services.

It must always be exciting, so as to hit your users right from the start. Starting from this assumption, a cover image can do anything: promote your product. And also explain to users why they should follow you or subscribe to your mailing list,  send greetings to the public. Thank your customers, encourage them to buy, present your brand…. it’s up to you to decide what the main focus of your Facebook cover is!

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