How Video Games Can Actually Be Good For Your Brain
Researchers have found that certain types of video games can actually benefit the brain. These benefits include improved attention span, better decision making skills, and increased cognitive flexibility. While there are many different types of video games out there, these three benefits can be found in games that require strategic thinking and problem solving. If you’re looking for a way to improve your brain function, consider playing one of these types of video games.
What are the long term effects on your brain of playing video games?
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Playing video games is not exactly like adding a new TV show to your Netflix queue or getting that standing desk. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, particularly for young children. According to the experts, it is possible to develop behavior problems and other psychological and emotional issues that persist into adulthood as a result of gaming — but there are also promising possibilities. Gaming, particularly among kids, has been linked to improvements in attention, memory and spatial abilities. The most common problems that have emerged over the past few decades are a new version of ADD (Atypical Developmental Disorder) or social anxiety.
Does gaming really improve your brain?
The general consensus among gaming experts is that there is a definite link between gaming and brain health. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued a public statement in which they describe gaming as an activity that “strengthens visual attention, problem solving, and critical thinking skills” that are valuable for children to master. People who played computer and video games longer had better working memory than non-gamers, says Dr. Kogan. Participation in any kind of sports is associated with better executive functioning skills, especially planning and multi-tasking.
How Video Games Can Actually Be Good For Your Brain
However, the brain-boosting powers of gaming may only be of benefit if you’re playing socially. Those who are non-competitive or lack a social life often report that video games make them feel lonely, according to Dr. Kim. There are just as many people who argue that gaming isn’t making their brains any smarter, but rather is causing them to become more isolated and anxiety-ridden. If your gaming is resulting in lots of time spent by yourself, then you’re doing more harm than good.
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Luckily, there are plenty of social opportunities available to take your mind off the screen. You can make new friends by gaming online and playing in virtual communities, such as Second Life, or by attending meetups or game nights. Dr. Kogan suggests playing a “classical” board game with friends, which involves long-term strategic thinking. Gaming is fun and improves our brains. But it’s also important to find balance.
What’s your opinion on the effects of video games on our brains? Let us know in the comments.
How I can improve my brain through gaming?
There are many ways in which gaming can improve your brain, but the first step is to make sure you game for the right reasons. Wondering how to improve your brain? Gaming is a great way to exercise your mind, and you don’t even have to play all the time! Here are some tips for starting your journey to a smarter brain.
What you eat is incredibly important for the health of your brain.
Video games and brain changes
study provides evidence for long-term effects of playing video games
“Although we’ve known for years that exercise is important for keeping the mind and body in good shape, our research is the first to suggest that people who play video games are like athletes in that they have stronger brains,”
said lead author Samuel Gruber, a recent psychology graduate of Princeton University.
The study, published online in the journal, supports earlier research on video game playing and the brain. However, it found that the type of video game played had a stronger effect than the total amount of time spent playing.
Negative Effects of Video Gaming
May Last Longer Than Positive Ones for the Brain
One of the biggest misconceptions about the impacts of video games is that gaming has a detrimental impact on one’s mental health, when in fact most gamers will agree that gaming provides hours of enjoyment and entertainment.
These benefits far outweigh the negatives.
“In this study, we wanted to test the idea that many gamers are worried about. That idea is that playing video games could impact the brain over time, ” said co-author Dr.
“Our results suggest that playing video games may have a detrimental effect on brain health only if a person plays these games for many hours each week and the games involve a lot of active tasks.
Advice for Video Gamers
here are advice for video gaming Now, everyone may not be a gamer, but video games play a huge role in our daily lives. We use video games for socializing, for exercising, for education and for entertainment.
And video games are also how we relax. While playing video games can be a fun pastime, too much time spent on the game can actually harm your mental health.