Health and Fitness

Swimming styles and techniques

Why are pools constantly filled with tourists? Swimming is a sport that belongs to the cardiovascular weight class, because regular exercise burns a lot of calories, increases endurance, improves coordination, improves heart function, and normalizes metabolism in the body. During such loads, muscles acquire tone and improve mood, as water has a calming and relaxing effect. Today, there are several basic swimming styles. Take a closer look at each of the swimming with Lifeguard Certification

Types of Sports Swimming: A Strategy of Styles

The most common is freestyle (crawl) … which is very fast compared to the
rest. Swimming style technique is simple: hands are the main driving force. The athlete swims on his chest, with his hands paralyzed throughout the body. In this case, the legs are pushed up and down. He bent his knees slightly and relaxed. The peculiarity of this swimming style is that you are able to organize your breathing. With this type of swimming, you can swim more than 15 meters under water, taking turns and start over. Crawl Attributes:

Because the hands are working, the body rotates 40 – 50 ° around the long axis.
Large slope occurs during inhalation.
Proper horizontal position is ensured by the movement of the legs.
Most of the inclination angles are in the chest, the smallest are at the hips and hips.

Breast Stroke – One of the types of swimming in the pool, the swimmer must follow the basic rules:
simultaneously and symmetrically, strokes with your hands and feet without removing water. The greatest force of motion falls on the legs. The athlete gives a push and starts to slide on the water. The main thing is to oversee the coordinated work of the arms and legs, because in this way the swimmer moves with minimal energy consumption and high efficiency. Swimming and Breathing Technique:

When performing turns, the hands should touch the wall at the same level.
At the start, a full stroke is performed (hands are directed to the waist), and a strong push with the legs.
Breast stroke is considered the slowest of swim styles , but it has one advantage: the athlete sees everything that happens in the direction of travel, overcomes the distance and can swim with little or no noise.

This type of swimming is not suitable for beginners, as the technique of execution plays an important role.
Both parts of the body (left and right) must perform symmetrical movements.
The big shot is made with the hands, thanks to which the upper part is held in water.

The legs move in waves

This approach requires the athlete’s complete mastery of technique and excellent endurance. So, in terms of speed of progression, butterfly is second to freestyle.

Previously crawling in its execution technique, it resembles freestyle, all but the other way around. Swimmers should take alternate strokes with their hands, while simultaneously kicking up and down. The face of an athlete looks up.

It is not advisable to use this type when covering distance, because it is not the fastest way, but nonetheless, movements are done faster than a breast stroke. The energy consumption of the movements is small, you will not experience extreme fatigue. The secret is that the swimmer does not stroke with straight sleeves, but bends slightly under water.

Complex swimming combines the implementation of all these styles. Athlete must change technique every hundred meters. Swimming styles – species

Benefits of swimming in a pool

There are 4 swimming styles and they are all useful in their own way. But if you want to get maximum benefit for body and health, then you have to choose the type and technique for yourself. Reasons to Start Swimming:

Are you overweight ? Then the pond helps to go in kilograms, literally water. Body lighter in the pool: Going to water up to the waist – only 50% of your weight, up to the neck – 10%. Based on this, this pool is all you need to lose weight without too much stress on the skeleton.

Improves muscle tone and strengthens them … It is especially useful for children to swim as the load helps to strengthen the bones and develop the right muscles.
Flexibility grows … making movements, the spine extended, the shoulder joints doing a circular rotation, the pelvic joints strengthened. This contributes to the development of flexibility. Try to stretch after swimming, the result will amaze you!

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart Help him to relax and relax without interruption. It improves blood circulation throughout the body. Continuous water loads reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 40%.
Swimming is simple and effective fitness … Its energy consumption is huge and three workouts per week is enough to achieve the required number of scales. 10 minutes of breast stroke burns 60 calories, back crawls – 80, complex – 100, butterfly – 150.

Swimming can help fight asthma , as the lungs increase and the person learns to breathe properly. Studies by American scientists have shown that after 16 weeks of intense swimming, asthma attacks are 4 times less likely.
Improves the condition of the vessels (lymph nodes, blood vessels) … Helps maintain the “good” cholesterol balance in the blood, which is responsible for the health of the body.

Swimming produces endorphins that calm us down. … Also, water has a calming effect and classes in the pool are similar to meditation, because the sound of splashes helps to relax and clear your head from unwanted thoughts.

Swimming is the right force

Swimming is the true salvation for the body of a modern person with a sedentary lifestyle. Maintaining health, maintaining muscle tone, calmness and good mood is easy if you have a pool subscription!

For many millenniums BC, people from ancient Egypt, Phenicia, Assyria, and other countries were known to swim and used to swim, underwater fishing, water bird hunting, and military affairs. This is evidenced by the drawings on archaeological findings. The swimming methods used are reminiscent of modern breast stroke and crawl.

The ancient Greeks began to use swimming as a means of physical education.

Historians know that the first swimming competition was held in 1515 in Venice.

Swimming in Russia has its own history. The Slavs knew how to swim completely and apply this art in military affairs.

During Peter I, all soldiers in the Tsarist army must be able to swim. Even the greatest Russian commander, AV Suvorov, paid close attention to the swimming ability of the soldiers. The first swimming school in our country appeared in St. Petersburg in 1834, and in 1891 the first indoor swimming pool.

The first Olympic Games

Passed in 1896 in Athens. The Games were attended by 241 athletes from 14 countries. Swimming is one of the 9 sports in which athletes compete, which is invariably included in the Games Sports Program. Since there were no artificial ponds in Athens at the time, the competition was held in the open bay of the city of Piraeus, with water temperatures as high as 13 degrees.

Of the 25 swimmers from 6 countries, 3 sets of medals were played: the 100, 500 and 1200 meter freestyle. For the fourth set, the Greek sailors competed in sailor clothes in the 100 meter swim. In addition to swimming, medals were played in athletics, fencing, cycling, wrestling, shooting, gymnastics, weightlifting and tennis.

Currently, the Olympic Games are held in the 50-meter pool. Sports Swimming is regulated by the International Association – FINA (Federation International de Natation – International Swimming Federation). By the end of the 1988/89 season, FINA began running the multi-stage World Cup in the “short course” (25-meter pool), and the 1993 World Championships.

Today they use 4 basic styles of swimming: crawl (freestyle), backstroke, breast stroke and butterfly … all these styles differ significantly in technique.

Sports swimming technique motion system allows your motor abilities to achieve greater results. The concept of swimming technique includes form, character, the interconnection of movements, and the ability to move and feel all the forces acting on the swimmer’s body.

Swimming technique

Is changeable and constantly evolves over time. Today, there are several variations of technique for each method of swimming. There is a great variety in individual approach to handling individual aspects of technique, the nature of the movement depends on the athlete’s talent, his athletic experience, physique, flexibility and strength. Etc.

But the illusion of not seeing the general patterns and motifs inherent in the rational adaptations of the technique behind the individual characteristics of the swimmer’s movements.  The boundaries are narrowing when it comes to the key elements of any strategy.


But already in the 1920s. Most athletes began to choose a fast crawl as their freestyle.

From ancient times, people knew how to crawl, but, however, most athletes in Europe and America gave preference to breast stroke in the 19th century . Of all the swimming schools, breast stroke has taken a prominent place for many centuries.

Less popular on the arm (swimming with hand extension) – The folk style of swimming on the side, developed by the British in the mid-19th century.

In the 1870s. Englishman Arthur Trejen (1852-1902), who traveled to Argentina, learned the crawling technique from the Native Indians. A few years later, in 1873, he introduced a new style of competitions in Great Britain. The Tregen style (original name – double over arm stroke) was not yet a full-fledged crawl, John Treigen took only the movement of the hands by the Indians, and with his legs he was still working only in the horizontal plane).


the Trejen style gradually replaced breast stroke and over-arm. Until far, The last Olympic champion and world record holder to use the Trajan style was George Hodgson of Canada, who won the 400m and 1500m swimming at the 1912 Games with world records.

Brothers Dick and Tooms Cavill revamped the new technique, introducing Australians to crawl elements of the swimming technique of the native inhabitants of the Solomon Islands.  He and Hungarian Olton Halmai won their first major crawl victories at the 1904 Games. Daniels thus created ” American Rabbit “, which comes with the development of the modern style.

Thanks to the improvements made by American swimmers, the crawl completely changed other styles by the late 1920s.

Crawl (from the Anglian word “crawl” – “to crawl”), a style of swimming on the chest, during which the swimmer performs wide shots throughout the body, alternately with his right and left hands, and at the same time continuously kicks the vertical plane (according to the principle of scissors). The athlete’s face is constantly in the water; Periodically, during a stroke, he tilts his head to the side, raising his face from the water to take a breath.

Crawling swimming allows you to develop high speed.

Back stroke

Initially, while swimming in the back, European swimmers used an inverted breaststroke (breaststroke at the back). Exactly in the back, breast athletes swam in the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris (later backstroke was first included as an independent sport in the Games program). That all changed in 1912, when the American Harry Hebner used an inverted crawl (back crawl) for backstroke and became a gold medalist at the Stockholm Olympics. Immediately after that, all the athletes began to swim on their backs.

Crawling – Swim style, when the athlete performs alternate strokes with his hands and alternate kicks in the vertical plane (up and down). The athlete’s face is constantly on the water (excluding starts and turns)

And this is the only swimming style that has started with water: the athlete, in front of the bedside table, holding the starting pants with both hands, resting his feet on the side of the pool. The athlete must swim on his back, except when performing the turn; “The normal back position may involve rotational movement of the body in a horizontal plane up to 90 °; the head position is uncontrollable.”

Breast stroke

The term “breast stroke” is of French origin, translated as “hand lifting”. lifeguard certification is a form of chest swimming in which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical strokes with his hands (arms move forward from the chest), as well as simultaneous and symmetric kicks in the horizontal plane under the surface of the water.

lifeguard certification, the most readily available and therefore the most popular swimming style, is of great practical importance. Breast stroke You can swim long distances with minimal energy use, you can move in silence, you can view the surface area completely, breast stroke, if necessary, you can swim in clothing.

Breast stroke is the oldest swimming style. Egyptian Swimmer’s Cave (circa 9000 BC) features rock paintings depicting people swimming and their movements are reminiscent of those exhibited by modern breast stroke athletes.

Of all the swimming schools, breast stroke has taken a prominent place for many centuries.

Breast stroke became an independent event at the 1904 Olympic Games, with professional athletes swimming their breasts and keeping their heads above water. Only in the 1930s. Many swimmers (including representatives of the Soviet school) began to lower their heads in the water while stretching out their arms.


In fact, if you see a butterfly swimming like a butterfly, the movements of the hands above the water are similar to waving butterfly wings.

Butterfly – This is the most difficult and energy-intensive swimming style that requires maximum endurance and perfect technique. Often it is difficult for an untrained swimmer to simply perform movements that do not violate the rules of style.

The peculiarity of the butterfly is that it provides a greater load on the muscles compared to other styles, precisely because of its unorganized movements. The result is the development and correction of the muscles of the shoulders, arms, chest, abs, thighs, buttocks, legs, as well as the extension of the ligaments and burning of subcutaneous fat.

At the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, all athletes swam the butterfly in the final 200m breaststroke. It was then clear that the breast had lost its athletic face.

High-speed butterfly swimming – dolphin … The characteristic feature of the dolphin swimming technique is the movement of the legs: they move up and down in a vertical plane (similar to the movement of a dolphin’s tail). In classic butterfly stroke, the legs work with the breast stroke.

There are 6 numbers for the butterfly swimming method in the Olympic program: 50, 100 and 200 m for women and men.

Start the strategy

A great start is half the battle! That is why it is important to master the initial strategy.

The length of the swimming pool

is 50 m, but mostly it is 25 m, and the swimming distance is 50 to 1500 m. The technically correct turn allows you to keep moving and save strength before selecting with rhythm and speed. Most often, athletes use the following types of turns :

simple closed curve
simple open curve swivel
Diving is a fairly primitive type of applied swimming when a person is under water for more or less without replenishing the air supply in the lungs. Everyone knows pearl divers, who can spend several minutes under water.
As in every sport, there are different styles and techniques of sailing . Today we talk about it Breast Stroke, Crawl and Butterfly .

To learn to swim breaststroke, you need to remember that the movements of the arms and legs should be smooth, not symmetrical. This makes it possible to maximize movement speed while expending minimal energy.

. And the most important thing in this style is not to forget to breathe in water.

Many beginners involuntarily hold their breath when their face falls into the water, which of course happens. In this case, swimming is more difficult.

Butterfly – (called “butterfly”, “dolphin”) is one of the most difficult and difficult swim styles … it requires maximum stamina and excellent technique.

Butterfly style technique : A simultaneous, powerful wide stroke with two hands, which elevates the upper part of the body, and “symmetrical wave strikes” by the pelvis.

The pond is where a person introduces a special element – water. This is unusual for us, but it is interesting to know. In water, the human body is completely different from the earth: weightlessness appears, all movements are easy.  Such training in water is also suitable for people who are resistant to such air loads. Various workouts develop speed, strength, endurance. What do you want to achieve?

Benefits of swimming

The water element is available to absolutely everyone. You should visit the pool at least 2 times, and the workout should last about 45 minutes. Experts consider this time appropriate for our body.  Remember that swimming is the same workout, a way to train the muscles of the whole body and they need rest. Kids should limit their workouts to 2- 30-40 minutes or 45 minutes, but with a 5-minute break.

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