What to Expect When You File a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Manhattan, KS
Following an accident that involves a commercial truck, you must look for a reliable attorney to help you build a strong case. The trucking company that employs the driver will dispatch its legal team to the crash scene as soon as possible to gain control of significant evidence. While you have two years from the date of the crash to file a lawsuit against the negligent party, you must act as quickly as possible to collect evidence that can prove your case. An experienced Manhattan, KS Truck Accident Attorney will help you with this and ensure the trucking company or its insurer can’t destroy evidence. Also, they will ensure you get the compensation that can cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, property damage, and lost wages.
Why File a Lawsuit Sooner than Later?
Although there is a two-year time window for filing a truck accident lawsuit, it takes time to investigate your accident and prepare a strong case. You and your attorney will have to take the following steps:
- Gather evidence. To build and win a truck accident case, you must look for evidence that can be used, which can take time as several parties might be involved in the accident. These parties can include the truck driver, a trucking company, and a truck or parts manufacturer.
- Interview witnesses. A truck accident can take place quickly and without warning. Because of this, it can be hard to know what truly happened. Plus, you and the at-fault party may have different stories. Your attorney will track down witnesses and ask them to give statements that can support your position in the case.
- Calculate damage. When you build an accident case, it is important to determine how much compensation to demand. The calculation of this amount will be based on several factors including the extent of your injuries and damage.
What Happens During Litigation
Ideally, your attorney can help you get compensation during settlement negotiations. Otherwise, you can file a lawsuit against the negligent party to be awarded compensation by a judge. In general, this part of litigation involves the discovery process during which attorneys from each party can request documentation that pertains to the truck accident. Before your case goes to trial, your attorney can continue to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company of the at-fault party. But if still does not work, your accident case will end up in trial. Your lawyer will present your argument during the trial. Then, a jury or judge will deliberate to make a decision regarding your compensation claim.