How Smartphones are Affecting the Human Race and Controlling their Mind and Thought Process
In the era of smartphone technology, can we say that humans are intelligent as they were in the past? This is a completely debatable subject, but of course, smartphones affect each person differently.
In some cases, it helps some people to acquire more knowledge. However, there are a large number of smartphone users who become completely addicted to it and stop using their brains. It’s like the brain becomes a prop to them that they can’t use.
This is a matter of concern that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, we should prepare for the serious consequences.
Today, we’re here to discuss the impact that smartphones are leaving on the human brain and how they’re going to affect our human race in the future.
Lack of enthusiasm to collect information
When we have the whole world at our fingertips, why should we go to the trouble of learning something? It has certainly become a mantra to the younger generation of generation Z. Who was born into the world where smartphone technology was underway and when they grew up? Our technology experts have fully implemented that technology and we now live in a smart world where that technology is fully developed. We are seeking ways to make it more advanced than it is now.
Where the future of the smartphone seems brilliant, the opposite is true for humans. Our Gen-Z generation cannot function without phones, because they count on them for information and entertainment. Why would anyone bother to access the information in the most difficult way possible when you have it all readily accessible by your smartphone. Unlike those from the past, they do not have the enthusiasm to learn more.
Avoiding social events and interaction
Our smartphone becomes an exclusive source of entertainment. It’s tough for us to get bored when we can play games, watch videos and browse our social media accounts. This leads us to ignore our surroundings and avoid any social interaction with anyone.
Even when someone speaks to us, we are only half listening because all our attention and the source of our attraction are our smartphones. Over time, everyone may avoid talking to someone for as long as they can, unless they need to talk to someone. A decrease in social abilities and interaction could result in mental and physical problems.
Problems Such as social anxiety, tension, stress that in turn impact their health and sleep patterns.
Lacking the ability to learn more
This is one of the most worrisome things that are happening in the next generation. Why would they bother to learn something because they have everything within reach and just a touch away from them? If they want to call someone, they need only go to their contact list and choose the person’s name. They can easily call this person without even worrying about learning their telephone number.
It’s not the younger generation; it’s the older generation as well. No one bothers to learn a number from anyone other than their own. In some ways, that will affect their capacity to learn, if not now, perhaps in the future. Smartphones have facilitated various tasks that were tough in the past and you had to push your brain to find out more to solve this problem. But since we have our phones, we are becoming lazy and wasting our brain abilities.
Spending long hours on the smartphone
Where in the past everyone had a bedtime no one bothered to be awake from 11 pm to 12 am. Things took a turn and everything changed so much. Of course, most people who work can’t miss bedtime or get too tired to work the next day. But the young generation that doesn’t have a lot of responsibility started to become irresponsible and wake up all night.
Spending every waking hour on their phone began to affect their health due to the change in their sleep habits. Due to this smartphone addiction, one has to suffer from Anxiety, tension, insomnia. This is not a future each parent imagines for his or her children. Things could change drastically in the future if we do not find a solution earlier.
Final Verdict
Many scientists work in this field to monitor the damage caused by smartphones. But there are risks involved. This could be a positive shift for our brain and the human race. But if something goes wrong, there can be many negative things that we simply need to hope we avoid. Smartphones were created to assist the human race to become more advanced. Though, things don’t always go as they should.
As we have taken technology for granted and have lost touch with a gift given by God who is our brain. If you go to a phone seller in order to buy Smartphone For your kids, you should set limits for them so that smartphones do not transform into a curse for them. We cannot expect our kids to change overnight. Is that a long way to recovery if you want your kids out of this madness? Let companies sell old smartphones and purchase them for your kids.
until you let them know that you limit their phone usage if they start using it excessively. Do not allow smartphones to interfere with their sleep patterns.