Things to Know About Joint Replacement Surgery
Due to years of use, arthritis, or any chronic disease, there occurs any damage in joints; in such cases, joints should be replaced. Usually, at the age of 70 or more, people face hip arthritis or knee arthritis and need to consult a good joint replacement surgeon for proper treatment. There are many other things that one can opt for before going for joint replacement surgery. For the surgery must choose the best joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur. Some of them are mentioned below: –
- Exercise programs
- Medications
- Braces
- Walking aids include a walker or cane.
- Physical therapy
- Injections
How Does Joint Replacement Surgery Proceed?
While conducting joint replacement surgery, the surgeons will:
- Help you in avoiding the pain by giving you proper medicine. There can be two effects of the medicine. Either the medicine will put the patient to sleep, or the part of the patient’s body will not feel the pain in his/her body.
- When the patient is in no position to feel the pain, doctors replace the old damaged portion of the joint with a new artificial joint.
- The patient is shifted to the recovery ward for proper rest, and you will be there till you are awake or not feeling numb anymore.
Things that Patients Might Face Post the Joint Replacement Surgery: –
The joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur will decide the time period for which you will be kept in hospital to keep your condition and recovery rate in mind. The faster you recover, the faster you will go home. A day or two time period is required for normal patients to go home in case of hip or knee surgery. In the case of elderly people, the period may vary, keeping in mind their other disabilities and the recovery rate.
After having your surgery done, you will be in walking condition on the same day as surgery. In the beginning, you will need crutches or a walker for an easy walk. In the early stages of recovery, you may feel pain in your joint as your muscles are not too strong. But this pain is temporary and will fade away in a few weeks. This pain can also be handled with the help of medicines prescribed by your doctor. By taking proper medicines and a healthy diet, your pain will not last longer than a few weeks.
After the joint replacement surgery, the muscles around your artificial joint are weak and need to be strengthened so that you can overcome pain and be able to walk or run easily as before. For strengthening your muscles, you can start physical exercise on the day after your surgery. And if you still face the still, then it is advisable to take assistance from the therapist as they will help you to recover from your joint replacement surgery.
Final Words
I hope you get all the information about joint replacement surgery and the importance of a joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur. Check out the guide properly and know about the process for Joint replacement surgery and things to take care of post your joint replacement surgery.