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Tricks for perfect moving houses plan

An office move leads the work team to a very worrying situation, since the latent fear of losing their work material makes their hair stand on end. However, subjecting an entire company to the uncertainty of “what will become of me if X material is lost?”. This can be avoided. With the right plan, moving houses and offices can be piece of cake.

To start we will give you 2 fundamental tips: Do not abandon the markers and hire a responsible office moving company! In addition, follow these recommendations to avoid a post-traumatic stress disorder and that it does not affect work productivity.

We know that if moving home can be very laborious, moving to an office can be even more so. That is why we are going to leave you these tricks for a simple and fast office move.

On the one hand, we have the technical part of the movement (the move itself) and on the other, everything involved in moving to a new destination (informing customers of the service, moving machinery, stopping the activity, etc.).

moving houses


Here are some tricks for an office move to avoid chaos:



The activity itself and the passing of the years means that material that is no longer necessary accumulates in any office.

Take advantage of the move to order and discard everything that does not serve you. In this way, the volume of boxes and packages that you have to move will be less and therefore, the move will be faster and easier.


This is one of the most relevant tricks for an effective office move.

You have to take into account if the furniture you have is going to serve you in the new office. Don’t pay to move something you won’t be able to use.

Those objects that do not fit the needs of your new workplace can be sold and thus pay part of what the new ones cost.


A small action plan in which you include the tasks of each worker in the office move, those responsible for certain packages and departments, deadlines and a budget will be very helpful.

Putting a person in charge who knows all the details of the company will always be a good idea.


In most cases, the basic services of a premises (electricity, water, telephone line or mailing address) are usually in the name of the previous tenants.

moving company

Remember to make the necessary arrangements before moving so you don’t find yourself with surprises later and don’t delay the start of your activity in the new place any longer.

Another point that you have to take into account is the reforms in masonry and heating that you might need, since your activity may require other types of facilities than that of the previous tenant.


Do not forget to inform all your customers and also your suppliers of your new address in advance.

You can communicate them with a mailing campaign or even in your advertising actions (bags, boxes, pens, etc.). Another good way to communicate it massively is through your social networks and on your website.

As you can see, with a good organization and a specialized moving service, making a move is easier than you imagine.

6-Is your company organized by departments?

Store by area! To rule out the possibility of material mixing, it is best for each workgroup to inventory and pack the items in their workspace. Only they will remember each piece and monitor its correct relocation.

7- Labels everywhere!

Both the labeling of the storage and the identification or description of what each box contains will make everyone’s work easier during the office move. That is why you must make the marker the heart of the transfer. At the time of locating the objects it will be much easier, you will not have to play the puzzles!

8- A special treatment.

The elements of an office are extremely delicate, not only because of their fragility but also because of their confidentiality and importance for the production of your company.

Watch out! The belongings must have an individualized treatment, because in them is the life of your corporation. Its integrity will depend on a correct categorization, packaging and security seals, in addition to its custody during the entire transfer route.

9- Let everyone know!

An office move generates changes for all employees, users and related people or corporations. Overlooking this point could negatively affect your production indicators.

In this sense, it is essential to plan the move at least 3 months in advance and notify your co-workers so that they can reorganize their routine. In addition to this, DO NOT FORGET to communicate it to your clients and suppliers. Also announce it on corporate social networks.

Office removals: how to protect the furniture?

10- A committed office cries out for responsible professionals.

What do we want to tell you? Do the office move with real connoisseurs! Not everyone rigorously assumes the meticulous work required by the furniture, files and electronic or computer tools of your company. Would you trust your business to the inexperienced?

Moving an office could only be perceived as “the blink of an eye. When the movers are trained and have the precise tools to handle and transport objects of different dimensions. Then they assume the protection that your work articles deserve… tying up the ends. You will recognize them by their impeccable transfers and their professionalism.

In business we invest and fight against losses, so changing the address of your office should be a calm. When planned process with a minimum margin of error, since setbacks would end hours of productivity in your company.

Office move: the three tricks of success

The move in the office is a key moment in any company. You have to face changes in space, new organization and manage to adapt to the new site without interrupting the pace of work.

Time and space are the decisive points that will mark the success of your office move. We leave you three keys to success to guarantee the safety of the move in the most comfortable and simple way.

Organize the times

Office moving times are key, every minute will mean that the company does not perform 100%, so it is important to reduce moving time. On the other hand, it is also necessary to choose a date of less activity in the sector to avoid problems when working and possible losses in sales.

The summer months are a good time for most companies to carry out a move as it is a quieter working season. At the same time, it must be taken into account that those months are more relaxed for everyone, so it is necessary to check the availability of the moving services that are going to be contracted to ensure that they are operational on the selected dates.

Take inventory

Taking inventory of all your moving stuff can be tricky, but it helps ensure you don’t lose anything along the way. Remember to have physical and digital copies of this list to prevent any of them from being lost.

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