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What Causes Dry Eyes? – Bharti Eye Foundation

Dry Eye Image

Dry Eye Image

What is Dry Eye

Dry eye disease is a common condition that occurs when your tears aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Tears can be inadequate and unstable for many reasons. For example, dry eyes may occur if you don’t produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears. This tear instability leads to inflammation and damage of the eye’s surface.

It’s unpleasant to have dry eyes. Your eyes could burn or sting if you have dry eyes. When riding a bike, in an air-conditioned environment, on an airline, or after staring at a computer screen for a while, you could suffer dry eyes.

You might feel better at ease with treatments for dry eyes. Lifestyle modifications and eyedrops are two examples of these treatments. These actions will probably need to be taken continuously to control the symptoms of dry eyes.

The Role of Tears

A film of tears covers the eye when you blink. This preserves the clear, flat surface of the eye. Good vision depends on the tear film.

There are three levels in the tear film:

The tear film’s layers each have a specific function.

The tear film’s outside is made up of the oily layer. It makes the tear surface smooth and slows down the rate of tear drying.

This layer is created in the meibomian glands of the eye.

The watery layer makes up the tear film’s centre.

This layer purifies the eye by removing foreign objects from the eye. The lacrimal glands in the eyelids are where this layer originates.

The mucus layer is the tear film’s inner layer. This aids in distributing the watery layer and keeps the eye’s surface moist. Mucus is necessary for tears to adhere to the eye.

Conjunctiva is where mucus is produced. This is the transparent tissue that lines your eyelids and covers the white of your eye.

Our eyes naturally produce tears all the time to stay moist. Our eyes produce a lot of tears when we cry or when they are irritated. However, occasionally the tear film is affected or the eyes don’t produce enough tears. In those circumstances, we get dry eyes.

Risk factors & causes

When the balance between tear production and drainage is off, dry eyes can result. Tears from dry eye sufferers are either insufficient or of low quality.

Too little tears were shed. A number of glands located in and around the eyelids create tears.

Many factors can lead to dry eyes, including:

The front surface of the eye may get damaged by advanced dry eyes, affecting vision.

What signs or symptoms are there of dry eye?

As a result of dry eye

How is dry eye treated?

Consult our best optometrist or ophthalmologist about your treatment choices (eye doctor). If so, treating the underlying condition is also necessary to treat the dry eyes.

The following are some typical remedies for dry eyes:

Ointments and artificial tears:

These therapies can significantly reduce symptoms.

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