Yoga For Digestion
Many diseases are born from the stomach. If the stomach is healthy, then the person can also remain healthy. Keeping the digestive system healthy requires proper diet and physical activity. For this, doing yoga can also prove to be a good solution. In this article, we are giving information about yoga to increase digestion power. Also, we will tell which names are included in yogasana for digestive power.
Many diseases are born from the stomach. If the stomach is healthy, then the person can also remain healthy. Keeping the digestive system healthy requires proper diet and physical activity. For this, doing yoga can also prove to be a good solution. In this article, we are giving information about yoga to increase digestion power. Also, we will tell which names are included in yogasana for digestive power.
In the next section, know about yoga asanas for digestive power.
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Yoga for Digestive Power
A particular type of yoga can be done to cure every kind of physical and mental problem. In the same way, some yoga can be done to increase the digestive power, which include:
1. Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana can be included in the yoga of increasing digestive power. According to a scientific study, this yoga can boost digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes work to improve digestion, which can boost digestion power. It can also improve the complaint of constipation.
How to do Yoga:
- To do this yoga posture, first of all, lay a mat or yoga mat.
- Then sit on it in the state of Dandasana. In Dandasana, one has to sit with the legs stretched towards the front.
- At this time the neck and torso will remain straight.
- After this, bend the left leg and place it on the right leg and then keep it on the side of the right knee.
- Now bend the right leg from the knee and keep the heel near the left hip.
- Then move the right hand over the knee of the left leg and try to touch or hold the ankle of the right leg.
- After this, turn your head to the left and look back as far as you can. Keep in mind, at this time the spine should remain straight.
- After coming into this posture, try to remain in the same position for a while and keep breathing and exhaling regularly.
- Now reverse this yoga action and come to the starting position.
- This is the half cycle of Ardha Matsyendrasana. Now repeat it on the other side as well.
- Beginner practitioners can do this yoga four to five times.
- If you have had a stomach operation, then avoid doing this yoga asana.
- Do not do this yoga during pregnancy.
2. Pawanmuktasana
Pawanmuktasana can also be done as yoga to increase digestion power. According to medical research, doing this asana affects the abdominal area. The abdominal organs are massaged with this ease. May work by improving the functioning of abdominal endocrine viscera (digestive organ), relieve gas and relieve constipation. On this basis it can be said that it promotes digestion.
How to do Yoga:
- For Pawanmuktasana, lie on your back by laying a yoga mat or mat on the floor. At this time both the hands should be adjacent to the body.
- After this, while taking a long breath, bend the left leg from the knee.
- Then hold it with both hands and slowly try to apply it to the chest.
- Now while exhaling slowly, tilt the head forward and try to touch the knee with the forehead.
- After coming in this posture, try to remain in the same position for some time and keep the speed of inhalation and exhalation normal.
- Now while exhaling, bring the head and legs to the starting position.
- Now do this process with the other leg as well.
- When this process is done with both feet, then do this process with both feet simultaneously.
- This yoga can be done intermittently up to three times in the beginning.
- If stomach surgery has been done, then do this yoga only on the advice of the doctor.
- If there is any kind of problem related to waist or back, then do not do it.
3. Mayurasana
suffering from digestion problems can do Mayurasana. Many scientific studies have been done in this regard. One such research suggests that doing Mayurasana can improve digestion, as the digestive secretions are well secreted.
How to do Yoga:
- First of all, by laying a yoga mat on a clean place, sit on your knees on it.
- Now keep your hands on the ground. Keep in mind, at this time the direction of the fingers should be towards the feet.
- Then join the toes of both the feet. At this time there should be a little gap between the knees.
- Now keep both the hands tightly in the middle of the knees.
- After this, put the elbows of both the hands well on the stomach. At this time the elbows will be next to the navel.
- Then slowly straighten both the legs by taking them backwards.
- After this, tilt the body completely towards the front and straighten the body and bring the entire weight on both hands.
- Slowly raise the body in a straight line until the balance of the body is achieved on the hands. At this time only both the hands will be on the ground and the whole body will be in the air above the ground.
- Try to remain in this posture for some time.
- Then slowly bring the body to the ground and come to the starting position.
- This yoga can be done three to four times with a short break.
- Pregnant women should not do this yoga, as there is a risk of falling due to loss of balance during this yoga. This can harm the unborn baby.
- If there is pain or fracture in the hands, then avoid doing this yoga.
- If someone has problems with heart disease, high blood pressure or peptic ulcer, then do not do this asana.
4. Uttanasana
Uttanasana can also be done as a yoga for digestion power. Actually, yoga asanas that have a direct effect on the stomach and intestines are considered better for digestion. Uttanasana is also one of such yoga asanas.
How to do Yoga:
- To do this yoga, spread a yoga mat or mat. Now stand straight on it and take long breaths.
- Then, while exhaling lightly, bend towards the front and try to touch the toes of the feet with both hands.
- If there is any difficulty in doing this, then you can hold the heels of the feet with the hands.
- At this time the knees should be straight and the head should be close to the feet.
- Now stay in this posture for some time and keep breathing and exhaling normally.
- Then take a deep breath and stand up straight.
- Beginners can do this yoga four to five times. Keep in mind, after completing one cycle of yoga, you have to take a break of few seconds.
- If there is any kind of problem in the lower back, then stay away from this yoga.
- Do not do this yoga during pregnancy.
Precautions to be taken while doing yoga for digestion-
- Yoga should always be done on an empty stomach in the morning.
- If someone is thinking of doing yoga in the evening, then keep in mind that do not eat anything for 3 to 4 hours before doing yoga.
- Always do yoga under the supervision of an instructor.
- Do not put too much stress on the body for doing any yoga.
- If any kind of surgery has been done, then wait till the wound is healed and later do yoga only after asking the doctor.