Steps To Protect Your Intellectual Property
Intellectual properties are a business’s most important assets. They comprise their secret ideas, strategies, copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other intangible services. However, just because they are intangible does not mean you cannot protect them.
You work hard to come up with unique ideas, products, and services that help your company reach the top of the market and beat your competitors. It can be disheartening to see some other company steal your hard work and use it illegally. If you have suffered from intellectual property theft, a Las Vegas Business Litigation Attorney can help you protect your rights.
Steps to protect your intellectual property
Know your intellectual property rights.
To be able to keep an eye on thieves and identify theft, you and your employees should be well aware of your intellectual property rights. The first step is determining what you consider as an IP. These include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Do a deep study or consult with a Las Vegas Business Litigation Attorney to understand what each of these terms means for your company. Also, do not forget to create a strong policy regarding your IP.
Register your work.
The strongest way of protecting your intellectual property is by registering it in government records. By doing this, you can let the public know your limits and legally stop them from using your work without permission. There are three types of registrations:
A trademark registration gives you the right to use symbols or logos for your company and prevents others from using the same.
Copyright registration gives you the right to sue people who use your work without permission.
A patent application helps you protect your unique invention and prevents others from creating the same.
Create a domain.
One of the best ways to ensure your intellectual property remains safe from people worldwide is to create an exact matching domain. While it might be a little on the expensive side at first, it will surely avoid legal trouble in the long term. You will have proof that you were the first one in the world to come up with that.
Consult an expert.
Nothing beats consulting with a legal expert who has been practicing in the field of business litigation for years. They have seen all kinds of intellectual property thefts and can provide effective suggestions on minimizing the risks.
Keep it a secret.
There is no better way to keep your company information discreet than not telling it to anybody. If your work is not patentable, make sure you only tell a handful of people about it. The lesser people know, the better it is.
Intellectual property theft can be a difficult and confusing time. Reach out to an attorney today.