Covid-19 Testing: Get the Exact Information on Coronavirus
With COVID-19 spreading like a bush fire, it is important to take Covid-19 testing to know early if you are infected. Early detection of the virus allows you to isolate yourself from the public to prevent further spread; it also helps to seek early treatment to avoid further complications from the disease. So, where do you need to go to get Covid-19 testing? How is Covid-19 testing done?
In this post, we are going to discuss the various options available to get proper and effective Covid-19 testing. We are also going to explain the various symptoms that will tell you that you are suffering from coronavirus.
When Covid-19 was first discovered, many people were not sure how or spread, leave alone how Covid-19 testing was done. Or was not certain whether blood, saliva, or mucus were the proper samples for testing Covid-19.
What is Covid-19?
This is a dreaded disease that was discovered in late 2019. It is a flu-like disease that affects the upper respiratory system. Covid-19 means coronavirus disease 2019. The virus that causes Covid-19 is known as SARS-CoV-2. When it attracts a person, he or she will start developing flu-like symptoms. The signs may range from very mild to severe, depending on the individual. In fact, there are others who do not develop any symptoms, yet they are infected. If the symptoms are mild, the patient may not seek medical treatment.
However, if the symptoms become severe, then the best thing to do is seek medical attention from a reputable medical facility. There are patients who have underlying medical issues or who have preexisting health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or HIV. Those who know that they have preexisting conditions may develop severe complications that endanger their lives. Senior citizens or the elderly are prone to SARS-CoV-2 because their immune system has weakened. That is why many of the people who have succumbed to Covid-19 are old folks. Even younger people can still succumb to this dreaded virus if they have other serious underlying conditions such as diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. It is a fact that anyone can contract Covid-19 and succumb due to other health complications.
Who should go for COVID-19?
To get tested for COVID-19, you must display some symptoms that are related to COVID-19. Below are some of the symptoms that may be related to Covid-19:
- Headache
- Fever or chills
- Muscle or body aches
- Cough
- New loss of taste or smell
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Nausea or vomiting
- Congestion or runny nose
There are other people that don’t develop symptoms after getting infected with COVID-19. These people are known as asymptomatic patients. Even if you just received both doses of the vaccination, it is important to consult a doctor if you discover that you have developed all or some of these symptoms.
Before receiving Covid-19 rapid testing, you need to understand the purpose of the test. Here are some Covid-19 tests and their aims
- Knowing if you already contracted COVID-19
- Identifying if the patient has the virus but doesn’t display any symptom also known as an asymptomatic patients
- To know whether the patient had previously contracted the virus and developed antibodies
Types of Covid-19 Testing
Since there are several types of Covid-19 tests, below are some of the approved ones that you need to know about and what they are meant for.
Nasal Swab Testing
Most of the time, doctors want to establish whether the upper respiratory infection is due to a viral or bacterial infection. This type of Covid-19 testing happens when the doctor uses a nose swab to extract a sample of mucus. When the doctor is inserting the swab inside the nose, the patient may feel some discomfort. The sample will undergo a few tests to determine whether it traces the SARS-COV-2 virus.
PCR Covid-19 Rapid Testing
When conducting the COVID-19 PCR test, there are several key steps that need to be followed. The physician will use a swab to collect samples from the patient’s nose. A swab refers to the long flexible soft stick-like thing that goes into the nose in order to collect samples. Since it has to reach deep into the nose, the sample collection process sometimes irritates. If the swab goes deeper into the nose, the collection method is called a nasopharyngeal swab collection method. A nasal swab is when the swab is not inserted deep into the nose. The sample is then put into a sealed tube and sent to the lab to undergo several tests.
If you suspect that you may have contracted COVID-19, the best way to be certain about it is to undergo Covid-19 testing. However, not all tests are approved by the Department of Health. Therefore, you need to get tested in a facility that provides credible COVID-19 testing. Otherwise, you may get a positive result when you are not infected or a negative result when you are actually infected.