Digital Marketing

Mistakes Not To Make In Your Facebook Ads

Are you one of those people who have made ads on Facebook and have not enjoyed the experience? No return on investment and the feeling of having been cheated? A lot of people make mistakes with their Facebook ads: that’s what we’ll see. You can get in touch with Facebook Ads Agency in Germany. Our Facebook ads management team conducts thorough research of unlimited audiences related to your buyer’s digital persona. We create hyper-targeted campaigns that are focused on reaching out to your target audience every day at a low cost.  You have surely made one of these ten mistakes that have weighed down your efficiency on this network which nevertheless offers crazy advertising possibilities.

The feelings of our customers

In our digital agency in Lille, many of our clients were not friends with Facebook and its advertising system. But we have noticed that often the same mistakes are repeated among these customers. If your Facebook ad didn’t work, it’s not by chance!

The mistakes of Facebook ads

Targeting too broad

You created an advertisement and neglected targeting, telling yourself that reaching millions of people at once was possible? Well no, you have to tell Facebook the interests of your target so that it can find them. Even with Facebook’s built-in optimizations, chances are it won’t work as well. I recommend that you enter at least 5 interests in your targeting. Our Facebook ads management team conducts thorough research of unlimited audiences related to your buyer’s digital persona. We create hyper-targeted campaigns that are focused on reaching out to your target audience every day at a low cost.

Targeting too narrow

Conversely, we sometimes tend to restrict our targeting too much! Always check that your audience is not too small. In order for your ads to run, you need a minimum of 200,000 people in your audience (except for custom audiences from Pixels).

Pixel incorrectly installed

One of the big mistakes made more recently on Facebook Ads is not installing your Pixel correctly. You have to check that each action is counted so that Facebook can optimize your ads. Also check for duplicate events!

Unsuitable visual or video

Although Facebook performs manual checks when submitting an ad, sometimes the visuals you submit are not very or not at all suitable. This applies to the dimensions, but also to the quality of the image. Remember to check all this (or have it checked!).

Ad containing too much text

If there’s one thing Facebook hates about its ads: it’s too much text! And this for several reasons. The first being that a visual with too much text is too busy. The second is that otherwise Facebook would become too boring for users’ eyes. Therefore, if a visual contains too much text, the ad may be less broadcast or even refused by Facebook.

Budget too tight

Facebook says you can only invest $5 in an ad. It is not enough, because you will not have enough results with this kind of sum. First, Facebook will not have generated enough data to optimize delivery. Secondly, when you advertise you have to put in the budget to have a real ROI!

Too focused on the product

Surely you have already seen product visuals on a white background. Did you want to buy it? Surely not ! A visual that is too focused on the product and only the product will not bring you visitors. You have to trigger a crush, sell an experience. Especially since people on Facebook are there to relax, not to buy.

Too promotional

An offer that is too attractive can raise doubts: especially if you do not keep your promises. Nobody wants to be tricked. So, instead of attracting Internet users, it scares them!

Website not optimized

Before launching a campaign, we always test our clients’ sites. Because  as a digital agency, we know that the speed of a site is a key factor. The ergonomics and compatibility with mobile of a site (70% of traffic on Facebook is on mobile) is crucial. If you do not meet these points: you will surely generate clicks but will never convert them into visits!

This is also why we offer to develop our clients ‘ landing pages , and also to (re)develop their entire site .

Too repetitive

Sometimes your budget can be too big! Especially if your audience is small. As a result, your repetition rate may be very high. As a result, you risk getting Internet users drunk. Kind of like an old ad that always repeats the same slogan, you know?

The bonus: no landing page

It seemed obvious to me, but I realize that many people do not yet make landing pages when they launch an advertising campaign. This is a serious mistake, because you risk losing Internet users, especially if your offer is large. Never link to the home page, because you risk losing conversion rate.

No more mistakes in your Facebook ads now! Now that you have read all this, I hope for you that you will not make any more errors. And if you are still afraid to do so, do not hesitate to contact us .


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