Suffering From Domestic Violence? Here’s What You Can Do!
Perhaps the saddest part about domestic violence or domestic abuse is that it comes from a close relative. If you are a victim of domestic abuse, it is natural to be scared and to feel as though you have no options to seek justice, but that is farthest from the truth.
If you are considering not reporting your injuries caused by a close family member to save their reputation, you are putting yourself and others at your home at high risk. A criminal defence lawyer Vancouver will make sure that your home becomes a violence-free place and protect your rights.
What is domestic violence?
Domestic abuse, or domestic violence, refers to controlling behavior by a close relative to gain or maintain power. It is a life-threatening situation that affects thousands of people in the country.
Domestic violence can be physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or any actions that negatively influence another person’s life. It can occur among a wide range of relationships, such as parent-child, a married couple, or any other familial relationship.
How to report domestic violence
Whether you are a first-time victim or enduring pain for a long time, it is understandable that you feel scared and alone. However, remember that one in four women in the United States is a victim of such abuse, and the law is on your side in this.
Here is how you can report domestic violence.
Step 1: File a police report.
It may not be possible to find and hire an attorney the minute you suffer from violence. However, you can call the police station or physically go down there to file a complaint. The police will take your statement, understand your situation and create an official police report.
Step 2: Seek medical attention.
If you have suffered injuries from the violence, you should seek medical help and get your condition diagnosed, no matter how minor. You should see the doctor even if there are no signs of damage, as internal injuries can take time to show. If your mental condition has degraded due to the ongoing abuse, you need to document proof of that as well.
Step 3: Hire a skilled attorney.
Handling a legal case, especially complicated as domestic violence, can be challenging without legal assistance. A skilled attorney can handle the paperwork, suggest the right moves, and stop you from taking steps that may prove harmful for your case. On top of that, legal proceedings can be overwhelming. Going through domestic violence is an emotional time, and an attorney can give you the help you need.
Just because they are a member of your family, you do not need to protect their reputation or them from the police. Domestic violence is a criminal offense, and anyone who indulges in such acts should suffer from the consequences of their hurtful actions.
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