Health and Fitness

Why is my period blood brown?

Only a woman may understand how it feels during periods, how long it lasts, when it will be the worst, and when it will be heaviest. So, when you as a woman spot something different with your period like brown period blood, dark blood-colored period, etc, you probably know that you are not so far from a Gynecologist in Hyderabad. It is likely to say that not every woman experiences the same when it comes to periods. Your cycle may run clockwise, you may feel cramps in your lower belly, you may not be able to stand up off your bed, you may bleed heavily, or there can be chances that you may not know how long it will all continue. Even if you are having a regular period, you may not have the right assumptions about your period date or may have variations from month to 犀利士

What does brown period blood indicate?

Many times women go through a change in the color of their period blood. Sometimes they tend to have brown discharge and sometimes they have red blood watery discharge. 

The change in color, consistency, and thickness of the blood discharge throughout the menstrual cycle is completely normal. It can be thin, watery, thick, clumpy, bright red, brown, heavy, or even light. It is completely normal to have periods with variation in length, heaviness, and level of pain or discomfort.

  • You can have brown discharge at the end of your menstrual cycle. During the initial days of shedding blood from the uterine, the blood may be bright red. However, at the end of the cycle, the color may change and it may become bright red or even brown.
  • Sometimes brown discharge takes place in the middle of the cycle or during ovulation. This is common for young girls who are facing the beginning of their periods, women who have gone through birth control methods, and women who are living near their menopause.
  • When you experience bleeding or something different in your bleeding pattern, you should immediately consult your nearby doctor.
  • Certain types of birth control can lead to brown discharge during or in between your periods. This is because birth control often affects your hormone level, making the uterine lining shed brown discharge. It is completely normal to have brown period blood, especially at the beginning of your period cycle.

What abnormal conditions may arise because of brown period blood?

If you have brown discharge with a few noticeable symptoms, then there can be chances that it may affect your body’s reactions. You can note down your period color change and may talk to your nearby doctor or gynecologist. This can be something that means to have a change in your pregnancy pattern or you may require some immediate medical care.

You can call your doctor if you experience something wrong like:

  • If you experience your period discharge for more than 7 regular days
  • If you are having your first period within less than 21 days of your last period cycle
  • Suppose you are not having your period for more than 6 months, it is the high time to connect with a doctor
  • You may have bleeding in between your periods
  • You may probably have bleeding after your sexual activities
  • bleeding after menopause is also not normal
  • spotting any kind of color change during bleeding is also not normal
  • If you have pain in your vagina and lower belly
  • Some women experience fever and vomiting and if you experience the same but not as part of the routine of your monthly menstrual cycle. Moreover, normal fever during bleeding can be a sign of infection (especially without any reason)
  • If you are going through heavy bleeding and it is impacting how you work the whole day long
  • You may experience brown discharge after the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Having brown discharge in between the periods is not normal especially if you are going through cancer stages
  • The medical issue concerning the PCOS is also responsible for brown period blood

Although the exact cause of PCOS is still not known, there can be chances that it may pass genetically to your children. If you have brown discharge and you are going through any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you can ask your doctor for the most probable reason. In certain cases, if PCOS is left untreated, it can lead to a high possibility of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and infertility.


You can ask your doctor for early help or with the identification of the right issue.
  • If you are going through the menopause stage, you may have brown discharge in the ending cycle of your period.
  • However, this discharge can be a sign of yeast infection or may have a transfer of sexually transmitted infections (STI).
  • Brown discharge can also be a sign of inflammatory conditions or in certain rare cases, it can lead to cervical cancer.
  • You can talk to your doctor if you think that it can be any abnormal reason associated with your brown discharge.

Is brown discharge connected with pregnancy?

If you are going through early pregnancy then you can worry about your brown period blood. Bleeding at any time during the pregnancy is not normal, you should call your doctor to know the most probable reason for this. Brown discharge during pregnancy is a sign of miscarriage during early pregnancy. If you notice any kind of brown discharge along with pink blood coming out of your vagina and other abnormal symptoms, you can immediately call your doctor.

You may notice other highlighted symptoms like:

  • pain or cramps in the lower abdomen
  • shoulder pain
  • feeling lightheaded
  • If you are pregnant and you don’t feel like the same

If you are going through any of the above-mentioned symptoms or a combination of these, you should immediately call your doctor or you can also learn about the miscarriage signs.

Certain substances like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs like marijuana or cocaine, etc can be the reason for miscarriage. If you are going through pregnancy, you can avoid the use of such substances.

Brown discharge can also take place if you have gone through an abortion. If you recently had your abortion, and you are experiencing brown discharge, it is high time to connect with your doctor.

Brown discharge as the early sign of menopause

Aging factors play a very important role in the kind of blood discharge during periods. As you age, you may go through menopause. The early-stage before menopause is known as perimenopause. If you are on the verge of menopause, you may have a brown discharge which is completely normal. Menopause normally takes place once you have passed nearly 12 months without your periods. This stage is called the postmenopausal stage when you do not have any discharge during your period dates and you do not bleed but sometimes you may have a little brown discharge.

  • In many cases, bleeding during menopause or an early stage of menopause is not a serious case.
  • You may have blood discharge that may have certain other symptoms like inflammation in your vagina, any kind of formation of polyps in your cervix, or any other issue in your uterus that may give the signs of early cancer stage

If it has been a year since you had your last period, you can consider talking to your doctor. In many conditions, postmenopausal bleeding can take place, which is treatable.

Read More –

What are the chances of the development of UTIs during pregnancy?


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