Technologies have evolved over time into something extraordinary and magical that helped companies increase productivity and performance over time. Many of the technologies were accepted without questions, while some were immediately rejected. The advancement led to the development of various software for different industries depending on their core functions, and the MERN stack was one of them. As companies were getting competitive, they needed to enter the technological world. They spread brand awareness side by side to significantly impact the audience because no matter what happens, the service quality should remain the same.
All this led to digitalization. Businesses now entered the digital where they strived to make an online presence. Doing this wouldn’t have been easy if it wasn’t for the software integrated into future technologies that simplified the implementation. As a result, websites emerged out of the blue. People and companies joined hands to keep connected on a single platform that provided information about products, services, trends, and a company’s goals. Here the developers worked tirelessly to build frameworks that would quickly become a part of technologies. Though there were many, choosing the right one that would provide maximum benefits and features became challenging.
What is MERN Stack Development?
You might have heard about developers using a stack to develop a website for full functionality. MERN is one such stack used as a framework to build software. Companies trying to create highly functional and responsive software and usually ends up with MERN. In other words, the web development technology stack uses modern developers to improve the processing pace. The web development framework comprises four components, MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS, that kick-start the web app development.
- MongoDB: It is a document-focused database that stores all the app data.
- ExpressJS: A server-side, NodeJS web framework to build backend site.
- ReactJS: A client-side JavaScript framework created by Facebook to create the interactive user interface.
- NodeJS: It is a popular JavaScript web server platform.
Developing websites has never been easy, especially when one needs to decide on the best technology, tools, or frameworks. One needs to have in-depth knowledge about technologies and how they work. MERN is one of them. It divides into a 3-tier structure front-end, database, and backend with JavaScript and JSON.
Some examples of MongoDB include eBay, Adobe, Google, SEGA, etc. While React supports start-ups and small businesses. Pinterest, Myntra4, and Wix. Other than this, the NodeJS technology, a part of the second tier, is used by some top brands like Netflix, Trello, and LinkedIn.
MERN Web Development Stack Process
The process stack MERN has the top layer called ReactJS. It is a JavaScript framework that creates engaging and dynamic client-oriented apps in HTML. Moreover, it builds complex interfaces easily using user-friendly components, connecting them to the data. This data is found on the backend server. Once done, it renders them as HTML. Besides, the robust technology has data-driven interfaces that use little coding to create advanced web frameworks. These support forms, handle errors, and create events and lists.
The second layer includes the ExpressJS and NodeJS. Here the ExpressJS is a server-side framework that seamlessly runs inside the NodeJS server. Developers often consider it as a swift and minimalist framework for web development. This way, it supports solid modules for URLs and handles HTTP responses and requests in real-time. The XML HTTP requests, GET, or POSTs from ReactJS connect ExpressJS functions, which in turn power the app. Further, the functions use MongoDB NodeJS drivers. The stack does it through callbacks for Promises to access or update the data in the MongoDB database.
Most of the applications store data like content, uploads, events, etc., which requires a database, making it easy to work with technologies like React, Express, and Node. This is one of the reasons why it comes in JSON documents which can be sent to the ExpressJS server. Here it processes and stores it straight away in MongoDB for later retrieval.
If you ask us if MERN is a full-stack solution, the answer is yes. It is because it has a three-tier structure, including the front-end, application tier, and database layer. All the stages make it a stack or full development software.
Should you Choose MERN for Web Development?
One needs to dive deeper into the system to have an idea about whether to discuss it or not. Let’s start taking its components individually to come to a collective understanding. MongoDB stores JSON data natively, using the binary version of BSON. Since it is at the end of the MERN, everything from query language to its interface is developed on JavaScript and JSON. Thus, making it work efficiently with NodeJS. It stores, manipulates, and represents the data easily. Many even provide auto-scaling cluster features for MongoDB on the cloud.
ReactJS and ExpressJS enable JSON or JavaScript, making them full-stack. As you know, ExpressJS is a server-side app framework that uses HTTP requests and responses while making it incredibly easier to map URLs with the backend functions. On the other hand, ReactJS, a client-oriented or front-end framework, develops engaging user interfaces in HTML while improving communication through a remote server.
Haven talked about all this; combining such components leads to the data flowing smoothly from clients to the server. Thus, making the process faster and simpler to debug. The greatest advantage of MERN development Stack is using one programming language and JSON document to understand and implement the framework. Therefore, it has become the choice of thousands of web developers today to enhance user experiences.
Web development has never been easy, especially with the growing trends and new technologies where businesses just want maximum features, great functionality, and a smooth connection. Though a lot of software, technologies, and frameworks catered to its development, nothing beats MERN stack development in the present era. The experts blindly rely on it and vouch to create whatever they feel like with it. It is mainly considered for cloud-native, JSON-heavy cases or has dynamic web interfaces. Hence, increasing the popularity of such web apps.
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