Computers and Technology

What Is an Optical Disk Drive? – Definition, Types and Function

Optical Disk Drive Defined

An Optical Disk Drive (ODD) utilizes laser light to peruse information from or compose information to an optical circle. These incorporate CDs, DVDs, and Blu-beam circles. This permits you to play music or watch films utilizing pre-recorded plates. PC programming likewise regularly goes ahead with one of these plates, so you need an optical drive to introduce programming. 

Most present-day drives permit you to keep in touch with a vacant circle, so you can make your own music CDs or make a reinforcement duplicate of significant information.

An optical drive in a PC framework permits you to utilize CDs, DVDs, and Blu-beam circles to tune in to music or watch a film.


An optical circle drive utilizes a laser to peruse and compose information. A laser in this setting implies an electromagnetic wave with a quite certain frequency inside or close to the noticeable light range. Various sorts of plates require various frequencies. For smaller circles or CDs, a frequency of 780 nanometers (nm) is utilized, which is in the infrared reach. For computerized video plates or DVDs, a frequency of 650 nm (red) is utilized, while for Blu-beam circles a frequency of 405 nm (violet) is utilized.

An optical drive that can work with numerous kinds of plates will along these lines contain various lasers. The component to peruse and compose information comprises a laser, a focal point to direct the laser pillar, and photodiodes to recognize the light reflection from the plate.

The optical components for understanding CDs and DVDs are very comparable, so a similar focal point can be utilized for the two sorts of plates. The component for perusing Blu-beam circles, notwithstanding, is very unique. An optical drive that works with a wide range of plates will hence have two separate focal points: one for CD/DVD and one for Blu-beam.

Notwithstanding the focal point, an optical drive has a rotational instrument to turn the plate. Optical drives were initially intended to work at a steady straight speed (CLV) – this implies that the plate turns at different rates relying upon where the laser shaft is perusing, so the twisting notch of the circle passes by the laser at a consistent speed. This implies that a circle twirls at around 200 turns each moment (rpm) when the laser is perusing close to the external edge of the plate and at around 500 rpm when perusing close to the inward edge.

This steady speed is vital for music CDs and film circles since you need to tune in to music or watch a film at the normal speed. For different applications, in any case, like perusing or composing different sorts of information, working at this speed isn’t required. Present-day optical drives can frequently turn a lot quicker, which brings about higher exchange speeds.

At the point when you see an optical drive revealed as a 4x drive, for instance, this implies it can turn at multiple times the base speed (i.e., somewhere in the range of 800 and 2,000 rpm).


An Optical Disk Drive likewise needs a stacking component. Two general sorts are being used:

  • A plate stacking system, where the circle is put onto a mechanized plate, moves all through the PC case.
  • An opening stacking component, where the plate is slid into space and mechanized rollers are utilized to move the circle in and out. 

Plate stacking systems for optical drives in PCs will in general be somewhat massive. 

For PCs, the plate stacking component is a lot more modest.

Different Types of Disks

  • Compact disc ROM

Minimal Disk Read Only Memory drives were among the primary plate based drives for current PCs. Album ROM drives populate plates with information utilizing ISO 9660, the Compact Disk Filing System. This layouts the design of saving and perusing documents from a smaller plate, including the memory to be apportioned independently for information and for framework booting. Current CD-ROM drives can accomplish read rates of 60 cycles each second (60x); in any case, most CD-ROM drives in PCs run at a slower speed to improve soundness and lessen commotion and will possibly accelerate for bigger information records and if the drive experiences read blunders.


Advanced Versatile Disk Read Only Memory drives are the immediate development from CD-ROM drives. DVDs had more noteworthy limits and execution than their CD partners while holding similar actual measurements. The DVD Forum is the association that manages the improvement of DVDs. The association sets numerous guidelines for the development and usefulness of DVDs. It routinely distributes DVD books that are delivered to general society; notwithstanding, certain DVD particulars are not yet freely accessible and should be authorized from the gathering for an ostensible expense.

  • Blu-beam

Starting in 2011, Blu-beam drives are the most recent optical drives accessible in the business market. Sony was one of the establishing advocates of creating Blu-beam innovation during the mid-2000s. Blu-beam drives are regularly held for gadgets with superior quality presentation capacities, including top-of-the-line PCs and the PlayStation 3 computer game support. Blu-beam drives and plates can handle incredibly a lot of information: double-sided Blu-beam circles can contain in excess of 50 gigabytes of information. Blu-beam drives additionally come in scaled-down plates (4 cm more modest in outline than standard Blu-beam drives) however can deal with lesser measures of information

  • RW Drives

Album ROMs, DVD-ROMs, and Blu-beam drive come in rewritable drive types. RW drives have all the usefulness of their read-just partners however can likewise compose information on the circle. Compose speeds are normally slower than reading paces to look after solidness; compose measures are profoundly touchy to stun and can ruin the plate unrecoverable when coercively interfered. While RW drives can compose on different occasions, writable plates come in one-time compose (R) and numerous time compose (RW) varieties.

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