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Guys! Learn How to Take Care of your Thin Hair

How to groom thin hair on top and how to find the right products for your mane can be the toughest questions for some guys. Let’s face it, some guys just aren’t good with their hair. They either spend hours in front of the mirror doing everything wrong or they spend less time than most in front of the mirror doing only the right things.

The good news is that learning how to groom thin hair on top doesn’t have to be as hard as you may think. While there are certainly plenty of resources available to any guy who is interested in grooming his hair, many of them leave out some very critical aspects that every guy needs to pay attention to if he wants to be successful. I will take a minute to discuss some of these aspects so you can understand how to groom thin hair on top properly and quickly.

Why your hair is thining?

There are many factors that may cause your hair to get thin. If you are among the many who suffer from hair loss, then you have every reason to be upset about it. There are many causes of men losing their hair and the leading cause seems to be the DHT hormone that is produced by the male hormone testosterone.

Although it seems all good and well to get a new haircut and spend loads of money on products to try to thicken your hair, you may want to give some thought to why you are losing hair. There are many natural products that you can use as well as some home remedies that can stop the hair from thinning.

Also read: 5 Tips For (Almost) Instantly Thicker Hair

Get a good haircut

One of the first steps to take when learning how to groom thin hair on top is to learn how to get your hair cut right. Nothing looks worse on top than a matted and bushy layer of hair. So even if you have naturally thinning hair, it is imperative that you learn how to trim your locks. The best way to do this is by getting a professional trimmer to the job.

good haircut for thin hair

Drink water

Another key area to help you combat thinning hair on top is to make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Water can help your follicles work better. In addition to this, drinking water helps to clear out any build up that may be sitting inside of your scalp at the root. This can be caused by a large buildup of oils and debris. A clogged follicle can produce an extremely unruly hair which can look quite unruly.

Brush your hair right

Another thing to keep in mind is that brushing your hair is just as important as trimming it. Brushing can help to add texture and lift to your hair. Use a wide toothed comb to brush your hair from the roots up. Doing this can help to soften up your thinning hair and pull some of the lifelessness away. You will find that brushing your hair will be one of the best methods that you use when learning how to groom thin hair on top.

Also read: How To Oil Your Hair Effectively At Home

Be good with your hair and wash it

One other key point to keep in mind when learning how to groom thin hair on top is how to get rid of any greasy residue that may be sitting on top of your head. This can also be caused by a buildup of oil or dirt from your scalp. To remove this greasy residue from your hair, simply wash it out with water. Make sure that you rinse well to ensure that no shampoo residue remains. Make sure that you do this every day if you want to reduce the buildup of grease and oil on your tresses.

Style your thin hair properly

One last tip that you may find useful in learning how to groom thin hair on top is learning how to style it properly. This means learning how to curl your tresses and how to blow dry it. Curling your tresses can make it appear fuller and can create a more sleek appearance. By drying your hair with a towel over your head, you will be less likely to have moisture escape through the towel, and this can lead to frizzy results.

style your hair


Learning how to groom thin hair on top can be one of the most difficult parts of caring for your hair. You have to learn how to use your fingers to work at different lengths and different pressures to make curls or waves appear where you would like them to. As you get more comfortable with the techniques, you can move on to using a flat iron and blow dryers on specific areas of your hair.

Using products on your hair in the wrong way can lead to a greasy buildup, so it is important to follow all of the steps in this article exactly as they are given. Once you learn how to make your hair look fuller and healthier, you will have people coming back for more styling sessions with you.

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