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Newspaper selection and Presentation make the Newspaper Better

Newspaper selection and presentation make the newspaper Better

News selection is a big responsibility job. The selection of news from the front page of the newspaper to the last page, determining its presentation is not a simple task. With newspapers becoming colorful, this challenge has intensified. The newspaper now has to be not only readable but also visible. The color combination, the right selection of pictures,

Priyaranjan’s presentation have become an essential task. In front of editing, colored newspapers have presented a new type of challenge in terms of appearance, decoration and layout. It has changed the aesthetics of the entire journalism.

Perhaps that is why there has been a rapid change in the content of newspapers as well. Now the dull presentation of a newspaper cannot make it popular among the masses. His captivating presentation with words, in which pictures, fonts, news presented in a new way, so that the reader can establish a direct relationship, succeeds only.

Determination of Lead News

Lead i.e. the most important news in any newspaper is determined under one thought. Some incidents are so gruesome or gruesome that they themselves say that I am today’s lead. But there are also some days when there is no very impressive event, only then the real test of the editor is which news should be made the lead.

Which news should be given a place on the front page today? This discretion is the wisdom of editing. Generally, the determination of lead is considered to be the basis of severity, overarching influence, political significance, culmination of change.

But on the day when there is no incident of this level, then different news leads are formed in the news which shows the discretion of the editor. In that, who is able to sell his news, it is important. This competition is clearly visible in the TV channels, they also try to create their own news and try to make them stand out. Newspapers are also in competition now. Despite this, the editor’s discretion is the biggest thing.

How to write intro

A good intro compels one to read the news and a bad intro can take away your interest in the news. If we can take the headline as an advertisement, then the intro is also the theme of that advertisement. Only if it can create an impact of the whole news, it can also spoil it. In fact, this is the first paragraph of the news, that is, the first paragraph.

In this, the effect you are able to give to your news, it motivates you to read further news. The biggest thing is that the intro is useless if it doesn’t say anything. He must say something. That is, it should be giving meaning. Instead of creating confusion, he should convey his point of view to his reader immediately. An intro becomes effective only by the magic of the right expression. The number of intro comes to the body.

The rest of the news. In general, the way of writing news is that you give a summary or introduction of the news in the intro, then go on talking in decreasing order. That is, the thing of least importance will go down. This is called the inverted pyramid style of writing news. Apart from this, there are other crafts of writing news which are being used by newspapers today.

Sources of News: Usually newspapers get news from these sources-

1.Private network of news- its correspondents, part-time correspondents
2.News Agencies
3.Government Public Relations Department, Public Relations Department of Private Institutions
4.Communications coming in the newspaper office
5.TV Channels, Radios, Websites

Better Newspapers:

The guarantee of the success of any newspaper depends on its credibility and authenticity apart from all the marketing activities. Any newspaper can become popular only on the strength of its credibility. Because even today people have faith in printed words. Therefore, maintaining this trust is the biggest responsibility of today’s journalist generation. Along with this, it is also necessary to give equal importance to all the subjects so that the all-round development of the reader can be done.

Increasing importance of electronic media

Today the importance of journalism has increased a lot by the journalism of electronic media. They have brought the era of “information explosion” by challenging the limits of time and space. The scope of television journalism today has become very wide. It has become an area of ​​competition and skill among the growing multitude of satellite channels. Certainly its role in the modern communication revolution cannot be denied.

Through this there is an explosion of information in our life. This medium became most effective in giving shape to the vision of the Global Village. Due to being visual and audio, its acceptability and reliability is more than other mediums. The development journey of Doordarshan started in India in 1959. Today, it has left behind all the media. Journalism of TV channels requires special ability in news collection, writing and presentation.

TV correspondent

The TV correspondent does a motion picture of the incident and he has a penetrating linguistic ability and distinctive style of speech for introductory description. The news editor is responsible for editing the news received from various sources. He edits the news by sorting it in order of importance and makes it capable of presenting it to the news reader. Portraiture is the essence of TV media.

It is this element that increases the credibility and acceptability of news. Today there is a competition of news and information oriented programs in all the private TV channels. Discussions and debates are organized on social, economic and political questions. The environment of competition has revolutionized the journalism of television.

Get the hairstyle right.

Correct pronunciation and use of language is essential.
Body language and consistency of your words is essential.
Avoid talking about a sad incident with a smile.
A slight smile on the face is necessary for the rest of the dialogue.


The explosion of channels has actually completely changed the world of media. The level of presentation and debates on the channels was also not of the old Doordarshan style. Now there is an attempt to make everything very beautiful and beautiful. So body language, clothes, hairstyles everything is at the center. So this medium is a big challenge for those working in public life.

Your clothes are very messy, scattered hair will not work anymore. TV has to be like him. Instead of white clothes, wear colored clothes that look good on you on camera. The reporter should be in formal clothes. Don’t give P2C in T-shirts except for sports coverage.

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