How to Write A Research Paper: Important Things to Know
“Research Paper” these two words raise instant anxiety in every academic. Writing a research paper is not a simple task for everyone. There are some essential things a student should know before writing a research paper.
“How to Write a Research Paper?” is a common question among all the learners who face problems writing a research paper.
However, in this blog, we will learn how to write research papers efficiently and accurately.
Okay! We will start with the definition of the research papers.
The research paper is a piece of Academic Writing. It provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth research.
A Research Paper is comparable to an Academic Essay. It is designed to assess not only your writing skills but also your skills in scholarly research. But these papers are generally longer and more detailed.
Composing research of papers required you to display;
- clear knowledge of your topic
- occupy with a variety of sources
- produce an original contribution to the debate
Thus, the following are step-by-step guidance on how to write a research paper.
How To Write A Research Paper
1.Understand the Assignment Carefully
Before you start writing:
- Make sure you understand the assignment task correctly.
- Read your assignment question carefully. If you find any difficulty, you can clarify it with your professor.
- Carefully consider your assignment goal, deadline, length specification, formatting, and submission method.
- Make a list of key points that you will write in your essay.
2.Pick A Accurate Topic for your Research Paper
Make a clear and accurate topic for your paper on the research. It allows your readers to understand what you are going to tell you in your writing.
3.Conduct Preliminary Research
Note down any discussion and issue that seem essential to your topic. Use a variety of sources like journals, books, and reliable websites, etc. Do not only support your ideas in mind but look for sources that contradict your point of view.
4.Develop a thesis statement
A thesis statement is your central statement. It creates the purpose and setting of your research paper. The thesis statement should be brief, argumentative, and logical. That means it should concisely summarize your argument in a sentence or two. It makes a claim that requires further evidence. It makes a logical point that relates to every part of the paper.
5.Create a Framework for your Research Paper
Creating an outline is essential topic for your research topic. It includes key issues, arguments, and evidence. It gives you a rough picture of how your paper looks before you start writing. A structured outline can make your writing purpose more efficient.
6.Start writing the First Draft
Your first draft can not be perfect. Thus, you can edit it later. Your priorities in this stage are:
- Pay attention to the accurate organization and logical ordering of paragraphs and sentences.
- Expressing your ideas as clearly as possible.
When you don’t need to start by writing an introduction, Begin it where you feel more effortless. Some prefer to complete the most difficult sections first, while others begin with the easiest part.
7.Structure of Paragraphs
Paragraphs are the essential thing in research papers. Each paragraph should focus on the idea that helps establish the paper’s overall argument or purpose.
8.Citing Sources
It is vital to mention citations in your research paper to avoid accidental plagiarism. Every time you use a source, be sure to mention where the information came from.
9.Write an introduction
The research paper introduction should address three questions: What, why, and how? By reading your introduction, readers can know what the paper is about and why it is worth reading.
10.Write a reasonable body of Text
The central conflict faced by most writers is how to organize the information displayed in the paper, which is one reason an outline is so helpful. However, always remember that the outline is only a guide for writing research papers. When writing, you can be manageable with the order in which the information and arguments are given. Aim to create a smooth transition between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.
11.Write a Conclusion
The conclusion in the paper of research is designed to give your readers a sense of finality. Study your whole paper, and give the paper a sense of completeness. By making this, the reader understands how you have settled the points asked in the introduction.
12.The Second Draft
There are four primary concerns when it comes to the second draft.
- Check your vision of the paper that you have drawn in the first draft. More importantly, your writing still answers the assignment.
- Hold your reader’s point of view in mind. Identify any assumptions that require justification.
- Be open to rearrange your ideas.
- If you find out that old ideas do not fit well, you should cut them and rewrite them.
13.The Revision Process
During the revision and proofreading process, the purpose is to confirm you have completed all the necessary tasks and the paper is as well explained as possible.
To conclude, writing a paper on the research is not a frustrating and daunting task at all. It helps you to succeed in your scholarly endeavor. The important thing you know is How to write a Research Paper.