In recent years Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is getting a huge amount of popularity along with an amazing reputation among pets like cats and dogs. This is also considered as the all-rounder therapeutic supplement among the pets-loving community.
In this blog, you can avail yourself of all the information that is needed to understand the benefits of Cannabidiol for your loved ones.
CBD for Dogs
CBD is a therapeutic supplement that is also known as Cannabidiol and is commonly available in the Cannabis or Hemp plants with more than other varieties of chemicals. However, apart from the 100s of chemicals, Cannabidiol is the most effective one that can compete with THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is also effective and contains therapeutic benefits. However, these are psychoactive in nature and can cause a feeling of high in a person.
Unlike THC, Cannabidiol does not provide the sense of high in a person, for which the CBD oil is safe and non-psychoactive in nature as well, hence CBD for dogs works well.
Unlike human beings, dogs and cats, and all other mammals possess an endocannabinoid system which is also known as ECS. This system is present in the body and the central nervous system, brain, and cells. It can look after the whole body’s functionality. When the body performs a malfunction in the receptors, then it might demand to work properly. The CBD contains CB1 and CB2 receptors that further bind with the ECS receptors and help the body heal from deep inside.
- CBD is also known as phytocannabinoid and can work as a supplement to heal the natural cannabinoids of the dog’s body.
- There are several benefits hosted by Cannabidiol, like treating insomnia, pain, and many more, discussed below.
What are the benefits of CBD in dogs?
The lists of benefits that the CBD provides in the pet’s system are further listed below:
● Reduces Anxiety
It reduces the levels of anxiety present in your pets. This problem can occur in any pet for simple reasons as well. And if not treated in the proper way then it can be the reason to the severe causes as well. Using Cannabidiol thus can help to build relaxation in their minds and can fight anxiety and stress.
● Treats Epilepsy and Seizure
Epilepsy and Seizure is a common problem that affects almost 5% of the population o dog. These are not only just common but can be dangerous for both the pets and the owners. To treat this, considering the use of cbd oil for dogs can be a good decision as it helps to reduce the amount of this in your furry friend.
● Fights Cancer
CBD has several therapeutic benefits present in it that when binds with the body receptors, it creates aid to tumors. Thus in this way, it can prevent the cancer cells from growing in the body.
● Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Anti-inflammatory properties are already present in Cannabidiol that help to treat bowel diseases. These kinds of diseases are found in everyone at one point or the other that creates severe pain, and makes it highly uncomfortable for the dogs.
● Relieves Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties can also treat the pain present in the body of the dogs from deep inside.
● Treats Chronic Inflammation and Autoimmune disease
This is the most common disorder present in the body. These diseases further represent the inflammatory response that gets triggered when they find nothing for prevention. Also, the White blood cells are involved in this and can cause shaking, swelling, vulnerability, nerve damage, and even cancer.
Cannabidiol can highly be beneficial in treating these problems.
● Increases Appetite
It brings back the energy of food consumption, prevents fatigue from getting in the body, and helps to keep the dog energetic.
There is no fixed amount of dosage that you can give, but it is recommended to start with a low dosage depending on the size of your dog. You can also consult veteran doctors for further information.